Photo from Cathy's Camera
Bike-friendly city wins bronze designation
Press Democrat
Published: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 4:03 a.m.
The city of Sonoma has won a bronze designation as a bicycle-friendly community from the League of American Bicyclists.
The bicycling advocacy organization's designation, the first for a Sonoma County city, honors what it calls the city's commitment to improving conditions for bicycling and making a focused investment in bicycling programs and facilities.
Sonoma was recognized for implementing "long-term bicycle plans that provide quality of life improvements for their citizens," according to the organization.
The organization said it chose Sonoma because of its community support for bicycling and because of its progress in the city's bike and pedestrian plan.
Eighteen of 36 proposed bikeways and project priorities identified in the plan are being implemented.
"Sonoma is leading the way," said Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Christine Culver. "We're thrilled that the city's leadership wants to continue working toward a platinum certification."
The city applied for the four-year, renewable designation earlier this year. Fewer than 40 percent of the applicants win a four-year award. After four years, the city can be reevaluated and seek recertification to platinum, gold, silver or bronze status.
The city will host a formal awards ceremony in the Plaza amphitheater at 4 p.m. Nov. 5.
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