Back in 2005 when I was waking up to the deception all around me, I met a like-minded fellow who had been a Texas Ranger and who saw the FEMA plans. His main comment to me was whatever you do, do not get any vaccines as that is how 'they' plan to do their genocide to depopulate so they can better control the masses in the new world order.
So now we see this plan in the works big as life!
U.S. May Add Shots for Swine Flu to Fall Regimen
By Kimberly Kindy and Ceci Connolly
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
The Obama administration is considering an unprecedented fall vaccination campaign that could entail giving Americans three flu shots -- one to combat annual seasonal influenza and two targeted at the new swine flu virus spreading across the globe.
If enacted, the multibillion-dollar effort would represent the first time that top federal health officials have asked Americans to get more than one flu vaccine in a year, raising serious challenges concerning production, distribution and the ability to track potentially severe side effects.
Another option, said Dale Morse, chairman of the advisory committee on immunization practices at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is adding to the seasonal flu shot an ingredient targeted at the new virus.
Experts in and out of the administration are evaluating a raft of complicated issues, including who ought to receive an inoculation against the swine flu and whether private vaccine makers can simultaneously manufacture the standard 180 million doses as well as up to 600 million rounds of a new vaccine.
"We are moving forward with making a vaccine," said Robin Robinson, a director with the Department of Health and Human Services who oversees pandemic response programs. Robinson said that although a formal decision about the swine flu vaccine has not been made, if the government goes ahead, it would probably produce two doses for all Americans. If the threat diminishes, he said, health officials could decide to produce doses for only a portion of the population.
Vaccine and pandemic experts are working with the administration to determine how to produce, test, track and educate the public about two different influenza vaccines in the same flu season.
"They have never tried this before, and there is going to be a great deal of confusion," said William Schaffner, chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
Memories of the nation's earlier experience with a swine flu vaccine present another challenge. In 1976, hundreds of Americans developed neurological disorders after they were vaccinated for a swine flu strain. The public was asked to receive one of two vaccines developed to combat the strain.
Health officials have asked manufacturers to ramp up production of the seasonal vaccine scheduled for rollout this fall to make way for the possible mass production of a swine flu vaccine.
A decision on whether to produce such a vaccine will have to be made soon, because it typically takes five months to produce a new vaccine and authorities would want it available for the next flu season.
Some medical experts said rolling out two vaccines would present additional challenges in terms of testing and tracking adverse reactions. Health officials and manufacturers will need to know what the negative reactions might be for each vaccine on its own and in combination with the other. Initial tests would be done on animals, and then clinical trials would be conducted with people to determine side effects before either vaccine is rolled out.
Harvey Fineberg, president of the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, said officials will have to weigh the risks of the time spent on testing.
"All this takes time, money and organization," said Fineberg, who led an investigation into the government's handling of the 1976 swine flu vaccinations.
The greater challenge will be tracking any adverse reactions as millions of Americans get multiple vaccinations in a matter of months this fall and winter.
"There will be adverse effects to any vaccine. That's just science," said Michael Hattwick, who ran the CDC's vaccine-tracking system during the last swine flu scare.
Hattwick said a "real-time" tracking system would need to be established to provide constant updates to the CDC about adverse reactions. That information, he said, should include lot numbers for the vaccines so health officials can trace each side effect to the manufacturer and the date of production. Routine flu vaccinations are not traced with such precision because reporting is voluntary and often delayed, Hattwick said.
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he does not expect additional adverse reactions with two vaccinations. The traditional flu vaccine is designed to attack the three flu strains health officials believe to be the greatest threats in a regular season, he said.
"In a regular seasonal flu, you get three vaccines. Adding an additional one should not present a problem," Fauci said.
A record-keeping system would also need to be devised to track which doses patients have received, health experts said.
Without such a system, patients could lose track of which of the three shots they have received or could fail to get the second swine flu inoculation at the proper time.
"We will have to keep them straight and separate," Vanderbilt's Schaffner said. "This will be an enormous challenge, and we haven't figured out how to do it yet. That's one of the things we are trying to sort out."
--- end ---
WHO: No licensed swine flu vaccine til end of year
Slideshow: Swine Flu
By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer Maria Cheng, Ap Medical Writer –
July 13, 2009
LONDON – A fully licensed swine flu vaccine might not be available until the end of the year, a top official at the World Health Organization said Monday, in a report that could affect many countries' vaccination plans.
But countries could use emergency provisions to get the vaccines out quicker if they decide their populations need them, Marie-Paule Kieny, director of WHO's Initiative for Vaccine Research, said during a news conference.
The swine flu viruses currently being used to develop a vaccine aren't producing enough of the ingredient needed for the vaccine, and WHO has asked its laboratory network to produce a new set of viruses as soon as possible.
So far, the swine flu viruses being used are only producing about half as much "yield" to make vaccines as regular flu viruses.
Last week, WHO reported nearly 95,000 cases of swine flu worldwide including 429 deaths. Most people who get the virus only experience mild symptoms and don't need treatment to get better.
In a presentation to WHO's vaccines advisory group last week, Kieny said a lower-producing vaccine would significantly delay the timeline for vaccines. That could complicate many Western countries' plans to roll out vaccines in the fall.
British Health Minister Andy Burnham promised that vaccines would start arriving in the U.K. in August — and predicted the country could see up to 100,000 cases a day by the end of that month.
Before countries can start any mass swine flu vaccination campaigns, the vaccines need to be vetted by regulatory authorities for safety issues. That means testing the vaccines in a small number of humans first, which can take weeks or months.
"I think it will be a very significant challenge to have vaccines going into peoples' arms in any meaningful number by September," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. "At this point, it is still is an issue of when will it be available, who will get it, and what will be the dose?"
Kieny said many of those questions remain unanswered at the moment. But she said WHO's vaccine advisory group recommended that health care workers receive the first swine flu shots since they are on the front lines of the global outbreak.
On Monday, British health authorities said a family doctor died over the weekend after contracting swine flu.
WHO's vaccine experts recommend that countries decided that certain groups should get the vaccine first — like pregnant women, people with chronic respiratory problems or obesity, children, and possibly young to middle-aged adults, who have been disproportionately affected by the virus.
The decision to start vaccinating people against swine flu — which so far remains a mild virus in most people — will ultimately be a gamble, since there will be limited data on any vaccine. Until millions of people start receiving the shots, experts will not know about rare and potentially dangerous side effects.
The public health community may still be scarred by the U.S.' disastrous 1976 swine flu vaccination campaign, which was abruptly stopped after hundreds of people reported developing Guillain-Barre syndrome, a paralyzing disorder, after getting the flu vaccine.
Several drugmakers are currently considering using adjuvants, ingredients used to stretch a vaccine's active ingredient, which could allow for many more vaccine doses. But little or no data exists on the safety of vaccines with adjuvants in populations including children and pregnant women. And in the U.S., there are no licensed flu vaccines that use adjuvants.
--- end ---
Heed Flu Vaccination Warnings and Bad Omens
Sunday, July 12, 2009
by Paul Fassa, citizen journalist
Articles Related to This Article:
Why Vaccinations Harm Children: Health Experts Sound Off
Solutions for Forced Vaccinations and Flu Pandemics
Watch Out for Flying Syringes, GMO Food Vaccines, and Forced Vaccinations
(NaturalNews) There has been a recent groundswell of warnings and bad omens about the dangers of vaccinations, man-made flu pandemics, and the enforced vaccinations. Not mentioned much on CNN or your daily newspapers or favorite magazines, but disclosed consistently through alternative, independent media and publications by courageous individuals and health experts, whose concern over public health and safety is more important than being part of the status quo.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media and established medical community are proclaiming an inevitable fatal pandemic, coming shortly, while assuring you that you will be protected by Big Pharma, the FDA, FEMA, the CDC, WHO, and your government. But lately there are holes being poked through this assurance. And those holes are becoming dots that turn the big picture darker as you connect them. This article will share some of those dots. Knowing actual danger is not negative thinking. It could help you save your health, or even your life.
A Personal Vaccination Tragedy Publicized
"An alarming number of U.S. troops are having severe reactions to some of the vaccines they receive in preparation for going overseas." This was not from the internet originally, though the video can be seen on the internet now. It was presented by a Cincinnati Ohio Target 5 local TV presentation in early 2007.
The story featured a local area young man 20 years of age in the Marine Corps, Lance Corporal David Fey, who had a strange experience at his Marine Base in California in November of 2005. "They asked us our name. We stood on these yellow footprints, and they gave us this shot, and we got the rest of the day off," he recalled. "After that shot, I started swelling up. I gained 30 pounds of water. My eyes swelled up where I couldn't see . . .."
David Fey almost died from kidney failure and was transported to a hospital in his home county. He had to undergo dialysis three times a week while waiting for a kidney transplant. His pain was so bad that his mother confessed praying for him to be "taken away in the night" to spare him of his misery.
All the attempts to uncover what was in the shot have leaded nowhere. David Fey's mother was told the information was classified or confidential. The military records didn't even show that David had been given any vaccination. After 11 months, flu shot was entered by hand into David's military medical record.
A military medical officer, who had his name withheld and identity obscured in the TV report, asserted that there are thousands of similar cases, ranging from arthritic pains to death after vaccinations, and when they complain they are usually told it's "all in their heads". The medical officer went on to say, "When the issue, I believe, of the use of the vaccine comes out, I believe it will make the Walter Reed scandal pale in comparison." He also speculated on the possibility that experimental vaccinations were being administered to military personnel.
Medical Mafia Author Speaks on Hidden Agenda Behind Swine Flu Vaccinations
French-Canadian medical doctor and author of The Medical Mafia, Dr. Guylaine Lanctot (pronounced "Ghee-Lane Lank-Toe"), speaks candidly about what she believes to be the hidden agenda behind the government's Swine flu vaccination hysteria.
Dr. Lanctot was prosecuted by the Canadian Medical Board for her expulsion from that medical community for her stance against vaccinations. She has reemerged with a sincere and frightening message regarding vaccinations.
"Since this trial, these same physicians have continued their career in public health, and now hold honorable positions. They are the very ones who are pushing the public toward a new world-wide epidemic. This A(H1N1) pandemic is concocted and orchestrated by the WHO (World Health Organization), and serves the same military, political and industrial interests as those of 1976. Have these physicians lost their memory, or were they serving those interests right from the beginning?"
"I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated. Here are the most important ones:"
* Compulsory inoculation of vaccines containing a deadly virus;
* Massive and targeted reduction of the world population;
* Through vaccines, possible introduction of tiny microchips for mind control;
* Establishment of martial law and police state;
* Activation of the concentration camps built to accommodate the rebellious;
* Transfer of power from all nations to a single United Nations government;
* Fulfillment of the New World Order.
This ends the copy of Dr. Guylaine Lanctot's message.
During her trial in 1995, she was given a copy of a CBS 60 Minutes TV investigative report to show as evidence on her behalf. She urges everyone to view it. It was never shown again after the first presentation in 1979. But now this episode is available on the internet for all to see.
Dr. Guylaine Lanctot has this suggestion if you view the video. Ask yourself: "Should I continue to trust physicians, politicians, and the World Health Organization?"
Note: The Link for the 60 Minutes Expose Will Be in the Sources Section Below.
More Warnings From A Recent Natural News Article
Dr. Guylaine Lanctot's conclusions about the swine flu vaccine echo similar allegations voiced by Austrian investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister, as presented by Natural News Staff Writer Barbara Minton's recent explosive article. Jane Burgermeister's charges and supporting documentation allege a high level conspiracy to unleash international bioterrorism and to commit mass murder against humanity, via an interlocking cartel of international, pharmaceutical and government entities.
Here is a segment from that article, "Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder."
"Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America."
"These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic."
Prescience, or Inside Information?
Where did these guys get their crystal ball? A business share holder report, dated March 2008, from a Japanese Pharmaceutical manufacturer predicted a 531% increase in Tamiflu sales for 2009!
Quote from report: "For the year (2009), we forecast sales of Tamiflu to reach 53.0 billion, up 531.0%, due to expected resumption of government stockpiling in FY2009 and the ongoing recovery of the prescription rate for seasonal influenza"
It seems that the Obama administration is looking into the future as well. Just recently, an AP wire report picked up by Yahoo News reported that top Obama administration officials are meeting with six experts on the 1976 swine flu so "we can further prepare the nation for the possibility of a more severe outbreak of H1N1 flu," according to Obama.
This is the same 1976 swine flu that hardly got past the military base where it broke out! Where only four came down with the flu virus, and the lone death was the result of a young flu stricken soldier leaving his sick bed to go on a forced march!
Then, after a massive media campaign with president Gerald Ford as the primary spokesman, millions of Americans rolled up their sleeves for the vaccination. Over 300 died as a result of that vaccination, and several thousand had severe reactions, some crippling or debilitating for life. What kind of experts were consulted by the Obama gang?
Recent Bad Omens That Actually Occurred
2005 - A small team of CDC scientists used tissues from the frozen bodies dug up in Alaska of victims from the 1918 Spanish Flu to determine the genetic sequence and replicate that virus. They were successful. Many scientists were not only concerned by their recreating the lethal virus and having it stored in solution, but they were also alarmed that the genetic sequence was displayed in a database to be publicized!
2008-2009 - An informal flu vaccine test was done on 200 homeless people in Poland. Five died immediately and twenty more died a bit later. 15.5% of the test population were killed by the vaccination test. The doctors and nurses involved were charged with murder. Did you read this in any USA mainstream papers? Did you see this on CNN?
2008-2009 - Baxter International's Austrian laboratory released a Seasonal Flu vaccine to 18 European countries, which were never used, thanks to an alert lab technician in the Czech Republic who discovered that the vaccines were contaminated with a highly pathogenic strain of Bird Flu Virus. Many experts pointed out that this could not have happened accidentally because of the required safeguards. The Austrian Health Ministry claimed the tainted vaccines were all appropriately destroyed, but there is no documentation of that. A WHO investigation found no one culpable of even negligence!
2009 - This very same Baxter group is carrying the lead banner for developing the vaccination for the predicted Swine Flu for this fall. Baxter was given the seed virus for the swine flu in May of 2009. The company claims it will have the vaccine ready by the end of July 2009. It normally takes 12 to 18 months to produce a vaccine that is tested and proven effective and safe (if there really is such a thing).
But who needs to produce a safe and effective vaccine anymore? Legislation was passed during the Bush administration to exempt vaccination producers from liability when a pandemic is declared. Surprise! It has been declared already. Even though the original Mexican Flu death toll of 168 in Mexico was dropped to 16! So if you can't walk or barely talk anymore after your vaccination, or if your child drops dead at your feet, you won't be able to sue!
After massive lawsuits for severe reactions, life long debilitation, and deaths from the vaccinations promoted for the 1976 fake swine flu epidemic, those Big Pharma boys went to work lobbying. And they got what they wanted, a license to maim and kill for profit.
2008-2009 - The USA government has spent over a billion dollars for a swine flu vaccination, and Obama has hinted that they may be required in the fall. 77 million dollars has been spent on mapping every household and who is in it for possible FEMA and Homeland Security vaccination enforcement.
2009 - Canada, Norway, Sweden, and France have announced their intentions to vaccinate every one of their citizens, including toddlers, and they have shelled out the bucks for the juice!
2009 - A WHO container of Swine Flu virus from Mexico City exploded on a passenger train in Luzon, Switzerland. All of the current Swiss cases of Swine Flu are from the area where the explosion took place. Incidentally, it is illegal to ship pathogenic viruses this way.
2009 - A significant number of virologists and other scientists are on record stating that the Swine Flu was created in a laboratory and could not evolve naturally.
2009 - Every recent major catastrophic event, including 9/11, the Madrid bombings, and the London bombings, occurred simultaneously with a dress rehearsal drill mocking the actual incidents themselves! This managed to confuse everyone normally involved with preventing or minimizing such an event. Guess what? A major set of FEMA training exercises is scheduled for 27 July, 2009.
Are any dots connecting yet? Are there any emerging even faintly? Not to worry; more to come. View the video for starters.
Watch This Terrific 1979 60 Minutes Expose on the 1976 Vaccination Debacle Here
An urgent message and petition from Dr. Rima Laibow of Health Freedom
Marine and the mysterious flu shot
War Is Crime Web Site - source for Dr. Lanctot's text
Barbara Minton's article
pdf Tamiflu manufacturer's report
Obama consults experts on 1976 swine flu outbreak
Monday, July 13, 2009
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- Cathy Palmer
- Over the years my opinions have changed but this will never change: Jesus Christ, Lord, God and Savior, died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay for my sin.
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