Wednesday, July 23, 2008

World News Update

Wednesday July 23, 2008

Unstamped certificate suggests Obama may not be "natural born" US citizen
The "birth certificate" claimed by the Barack Obama campaign is not certified as authentic and appears to be a photoshopped fake.

In Which Hospital was Obama Born? [UPDATE]
The Certification of Live Birth (COLB) proffered by Barack Obama may be a legitimate document issued by the State of Hawaii, although analysts such as Polarik aren’t convinced.

Document forensics expert: Obama "birth certificate" a "horrible forgery"
Barack Obama may be on a world tour surrounded by a fawning media, but Sunday an expert in electronic document forensics released a detailed report on the purported birth certificate -- actually a "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB -- claimed as genuine by his campaign. The expert concludes with 100% certainty that it is a crudely forged fake: "a horribly forgery," according to the analysis published on the popular right-wing Atlas Shrugs blog.

Search for Alien Life Gains New Impetus
When Paul Butler began hunting for planets beyond our solar system, few people took him seriously, and some, he says, questioned his credentials as a scientist.

Discoveries Out There Require Preparation Right Here
Reports in 1996 that a meteorite from Mars that was found in Antarctica might contain fossilized remains of living organisms led then-Vice President Al Gore to convene a meeting of scientists, religious leaders and journalists to discuss the implications of a possible discovery of extraterrestrial life.

Messianic leaders say Hebrew tablet validates Jesus' claims
Israeli Jewish believers in Jesus say the recently publicized Hebrew tablet describing the death and resurrection of a messianic figure challenges centuries of teachings by rabbinic Judaism that the redemptive process of Jesus was a departure from biblical Jewish understanding, according to a story carried on

Lawyers Charged With Offering $100k Hush Money to Teen Sexual Assault Victim
Two local attorneys are accused of trying to bribe a teenage girl with $100,000 to keep quiet after, she says, she was sexually assaulted by her boss.

Kucinich: impeachment will be heard Friday
A message from Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Will Congress listen? IMPEACH NOW! Bush is a Threat to Peace.

NY priest pleads guilty to raping 3 teenage boys
The Rev. Frank Genevieve avoided prison time as a Suffolk Superior Court judge sentenced him to a suspended sentence of eight to 10 years, with five years' probation.

Hype: The Obama Effect - - Citizens United
A movement is sweeping the nation. Frenzied crowds gather in every state. Young people chant and sing. Women swoon. The result is record voter turn out and a rare political enthusiasm. At the head of this unprecedented phenomenon stands a charismatic figure intent on becoming the President of the United States.

Muslim world's view of Obama
A conservative political pundit believes a controversial magazine cover depicting Democratic presidential Barack Obama as a Muslim has some truth.

CNN’s Latest ‘Black in America’
Special Examines Nation's State of Racial Progress – and Regress
When the producers at CNN began putting together its special “Black in America” series more than 18 months ago, Sen. Barack Obama was not yet considered a front-runner in the race for the Democratic nomination for president.

Group says it ordains 3 women Catholic priests
An activist group hoping to pressure the Roman Catholic church into dropping its long-standing prohibition barring women from the priesthood says it ordained three women on Sunday.

MA abortionist lets patient die during procedure
A Massachusetts grand jury has indicted a former abortionist on a charge of involuntary murder in connection with the death of 22-year-old Laura Smith.

More Methodists Support Clergy Performing Gay Weddings
More United Methodists are throwing their support behind clergy in California who want to perform same-sex "marriages" despite the denomination's stance that homosexual practice is "incompatible with Christian teaching."

Joel Hemphill is a noted singer-songwriter, evangelist, musician, and author. He and his wife, LeBreeska, formed the Singing Hemphills in the mid 1960s, traveling the quartet circuit to much acclaim... The Hemphill patriarch has penned over 350 songs, many of which became Gospel Music classics...

Blackwater Plans Shift From Security Business
Blackwater Worldwide said Monday that it planned a shift away from the security contracting business that earned it millions of dollars and made it a flash point in the debate over the use of security contractors in war zones.

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