Monday, November 24, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Nov. 24, 2008

Vatican 'forgives' John Lennon
A Vatican newspaper has forgiven the late English singer John Lennon for saying four decades ago that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

Government warns of "catastrophic" U.S. quake
People in a vast seismic zone in the southern and midwestern United States would face catastrophic damage if a major earthquake struck there and should ensure that builders keep that risk in mind.......

Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack
As a result of the cyber attack, the Defense Department has banned the use of external hardware devices throughout a vast network of military computers.

Biblical archaeologist Ron Tappy examines the Tel Zayit abecedary, a 2,900- year-old alphabet stone that suggests King Solomon was a real historical figure. Tappy's findings figure in "The Bible's Buried Secrets," a PBS documentary.

A sky-high birth — at 33,000 feet
Doctors and nurses on Finnair flight helped deliver baby, the first for airline
Finnair says a Swedish woman gave birth to a girl 33,000 feet (11,000 meters) over Kazakhstan on a flight from Bangkok to Helsinki.

Cover-up alleged in missionary plane downing
Rep. Hoekstra wants CIA report on deadly 2001 incident declassified
The senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee Thursday called for a criminal investigation into whether the CIA lied to Congress and withheld information from the Justice Department during its inquiry into the 2001 shoot-down of an American missionary plane by the Peruvian air force with help from a CIA spotter plane.

VIDEO - CNN Anchor: World Leaders at G-20 Treat Bush Like High School Kid With ‘Cooties’
"He seems like the most unpopular kid in high school that nobody liked," CNN anchor Rick Sanchez says.

VIDEO - Raw: Clergy From 40 States Gather at Treasury Department to Pray for Paulson
"Remove the veil between the people of this nation and the people in authority. Pierce the veil of Secretary Paulson and Congress and move in their hearts today."

Supremes to review citizenship arguments
Case challenging candidacy set for 'conference' of justices
A case that challenges President-elect Barack Obama's name on the 2008 election ballot citing questions over his citizenship has been scheduled for a "conference" at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Admirals, generals: Let gays serve openly
More than 100 call for repeal of military's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy
More than 100 retired generals and admirals called Monday for repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays so they can serve openly, according to a statement obtained by The Associated Press.

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