Monday, November 3, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Nov. 3, 2008

VIDEO - Vote and be vaccinated
Elizabeth Cohen reports on the 200 flu vaccine clinics that are being held at polling sites across the U.S

Is Knight of Malta Rick Joyner leading Christians astray?
........reading on his own Morningstar website, that Rick Joyner had become a Knight of Malta (Why did I join the Knights of Malta? by Rick Joyner) and he totally praised the Roman Catholic pope as a "man of God" who had then recently died (see "A True Saint" by Rick Joyner).
Also A Must Read - Why did I join the Knights of Malta?

VIDEO - New World Order on NBC "Heroes" and "My own worst enemy"
"Heroes" and "My Own Worst Enemy". Both mention the NWO in the first 15 mins of their shows.

Melamine may already be in global food chain
Humans unlikely to get sick due to low levels of chemical, expert reassures
Now chicken eggs have been contaminated with melamine, and an admission by state-run media that the industrial chemical is regularly added to animal feed in China fueled fears Friday that the problem could be more widespread, affecting fish, meat and who knows what else.

Are You Evil? Profiling That Which Is Truly Wicked
The hallowed halls of academia are not the place you would expect to find someone obsessed with evil (although some students might disagree). But it is indeed evil—or rather trying to get to the roots of evil—that fascinates Selmer Bringsjord, a logician, philosopher and chairman of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Department of Cognitive Science here.

VIDEO - Parents Upset Over Pro-Gay Pledge Cards Given to Kindergartners in Hayword, CA
"I am taking a stand for a safe and harassment-free school for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression," read the pledges. "As an ally, I pledge to not use anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) language or slurs."

What Are Sarah Palin’s Religious Beliefs?
Jesus and Witches - Video clips of Sarah Palin attending Alaska church services have raised questions about her views on Christianity and government.
The video clip is from 2005, and Sarah Palin, who is running for governor, stands on the dais of a small church; three pastors surround her in a huddle. They are touching her shoulders, her forehead, her back. The would-be governor is stone still, eyes cast down, palms up toward heaven. The man on her left, the one touching her forehead, bends occasionally to whisper in her ear.

James Dobson's 'Letter From 2012 in Obama's America'
James Dobson, you owe America an apology. The fictional letter released through your Focus on the Family Action organization, titled "Letter From 2012 in Obama's America", crosses all lines of decent public discourse.

Pentagon panel says biden was right, prep for 'crisis'
from danger room: The McCain campaign pounced the other day, when Joe Biden said that his running mate would be tested by an international crisis at the start of his White House tenure. But the chairman of a key Pentagon advisory panel is sounding a similar warning, telling the next administration to "prepare for a likely first-270-days crisis."

Israeli Archaeologists Find Ancient Text
An Israeli archaeologist digging at a hilltop south of Jerusalem believes a ceramic shard found in the ruins of an ancient town bears the oldest Hebrew inscription ever discovered, a find that could provide an important glimpse into the culture and language of the Holy Land at the time of the Bible.

Police: Huffington Post Writer Stabbed Ex-Lover 220 Times With Screwdriver
After committing the gruesome crime, Carol Anne Berger, an election correspondent for the Huffington Post, reported her former flame missing, then fatally shot herself a day later, police told the Web site.

2 Jesuit priests are slain in Moscow
Two Roman Catholic priests were murdered in their apartment in an upmarket district of Moscow, investigators said Wednesday.

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