Friday, November 28, 2008

World New Update 11/28/08

Friday Nov. 28, 2008

Racists and dominionists, part 1: A troubling history
Not only are many of the leaders of the dominionist group hateful in and of themselves to LGBT folks and others, it turns out that quite a number of them--including some of the leaders of the dominionist movement like the heads of the Family Research Council, anti-abortion groups, and even Ken Blackwell and John Ashcroft--are linked to some of the most virulent racist and domestic-terrorist groups in the US.

Four found guilty in citizen's arrest of Rove
"A jury on Friday returned guilty verdicts against four people who attempted to arrest former White House adviser Karl Rove during a fundraising appearance earlier this year in Iowa."

NYC Churches Ordered Not To Shelter Homeless
City officials have ordered 22 New York churches to stop providing beds to homeless people.

Ready for Armageddon, church retails to the masses
They're still ready for Armageddon at the Church Universal and Triumphant, a religious sect that for almost two decades has kept a bomb shelter stocked for 750 people deep in a forest near Yellowstone National Park.

Miami Judge Rules Against Florida Law Banning Adoptions by Gay Parents
Miami Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman ruled Tuesday there was "no rational basis" for prohibiting gays from adopting children.

VIDEO - Joran van der Sloot Now Tells Fox News He Sold Natalie Holloway for $10k
Radio Netherlands: Some time after the recorded interview was broadcast, Joran van der Sloot contacted Fox News and told them he had lied to the interviewer, Greta van Susteren.

Bush Pardons 14, Commutes 2 Sentences
President George W. Bush's latest list of pardons does not include some high-profile criminals who still hope the president will grant them clemency in his final weeks in office.

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