Sunday, November 2, 2008

Franklin Cover-Up

This 1992 book, authored by a former Republican Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp, exposes the elite web of crime, satanic cults, and child sexual abuse that reaches through the highest levels of power in our society. The organized cover-up and suppression of the events and victims' accounts is well documented, as is the author's role as attorney in the investigations and court cases. It's interesting that former CIA director Bill Colby ambiguously acknowledged to the author that the scenario described is real, and not long thereafter Colby turned up dead under suspicious circumstances.

Read The Franklin Coverup by John DeCamp online now.

2007 Interview of John DeCamp
"Stunning revelations from former Nebraska Senator John DeCamp. Followup to his book, the Franklin Cover-up, movie Conspiracy of Silence, and his other legal cases, including the Oklahoma City Bombing, Columbine High School shootings, and perhaps the biggest shocker of all--Henry Kissinger's confirmation to CIA Director William Colby of who Watergate's REAL Deep Throat was! Never before publicly disclosed!"


Conspiracy of Silence Video
"This is a must see documentary for everyone! This much suppressed story with Congress threatening restrictive new and costly legislation for the TV and Cable Industry if it aired this video."



  1. Really great blog!

    We expose the Franklin Coverup as well and have been for approximately 10 years. Would like to align with you and discuss.

    The President of our organization, John Nicholson, is also a friend and colleague of Former Nebraska state senator: John DeCamp, Author of "The Franklin Coverup".

    Please review our website at your earliest convenience.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


    Adam Vohrer
    Vice President

    Citizens Committee for Restructured Government (CCRG)

  2. Glad you like. My desire is to wake up folks and point them to the only One Who is our Source of hope: The Lord Jesus Christ.

    On your website & youtube channel, I see you promote Alex Jones who I believe is a double agent and/or agent provacateur:

    Thus I won't be aligning with you, but thanks anyway!

