Tuesday, October 28, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008

EU Leaders Call for Global Currency
If we are to believe the Washington Post, French president and current EU leader Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to save us from nameless “freewheeling bankers and traders” who get the blame for the current economic crisis.

Christian ghost hunters seek life on the other side
Michael Reed, a practical, middle-aged man who works as a baker in Madison,Ala., didn't. Not until the night something in his apartment in an old house in New Orleans nearly squeezed the breath out of him.

Cannibal cult mother who skinned son and made him eat his own flesh gets 9 years in jail
A cannibal cult mother who tortured her son in a locked cellar while relatives skinned him and forced him to eat his own flesh has been jailed for nine years.

Mel Gibson's Church Worth $42 Million
That’s a lot of worth for a congregation of less than 100 people. Among the church’s assets: art work listed at almost $500,000. Gibson lists three major expenses for 2007 including an architect and landscaper to help him keep building in and around the church. He also paid a law firm $69,000 for its services.

Baptist teacher from Southwestern calls birth control pills 'murder'
Thomas White, the vice president for student services at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, created a bit of a furor when he declared at a campus chapel service earlier this month that the use of birth control pills is "murder of a life."

German Doctor May Have Infected 2,000 With HIV by Using Contaminated Needles
"Some were cleaned with only 'washing-up' liquid and similar products."

Sarah Palin Linked to Second "Witch Hunter"
At two key points bracketing most of 2008 GOP vice-presidential Candidate Sarah Palin's meteoric rise to political prominence, we find Palin tied to self-described witch-hunters. Not one, but two.

Police fear riots if Barack Obama loses US election
US police fear riots could break out if John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, wins the election next month. Law enforcement officials say the intense public interest and historic nature of the vote could lead to violent outbreaks if people are unhappy with the results, encounter problems casting their ballots or suspect voting irregularities.

Sarkozy sues makers of bestselling voodoo doll
French President Nicolas Sarkozy isn't enchanted with a hot-selling voodoo doll of him and wants a Paris judge to order its cheeky vendor to pull it off store shelves.

Christian reality TV shows burst on to the scene
Many say Christian entertainment is a good couple of years behind mainstream entertainment, with some placing Christian radio behind by about five years and others even claiming that Christian media in general is more than a decade behind.

U.S.: Female immigrants must get cancer vaccine
Safety, costs for 11- to 26-year-olds are questioned, but CDC supports rule
A cervical cancer vaccine that has been recommended only for U.S. residents has become a requirement for all new female immigrants ages 11 to 26, sparking an outcry over the order's safety and cost.

Survey: Most Americans Believe God Uniquely Blessed U.S.
Most Americans strongly believe that God has uniquely blessed America, and a similar majority believe that the United States should set the example as a Christian nation to the rest of the world, a survey released Wednesday found.

MPs fear legal loophole in embryology bill could pave the way for human-ape hybrids
Scientists would be able to create a 'humanzee' - a cross between a human and a chimpanzee or other animal - thanks to a loophole in controversial fertilisation laws, MPs warned last night.

Police prepare for unrest
Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.

Masterpiece The Last Enemy PBS
Host Matthew Goode introduces the first episode of this five-part contemporary thriller in which technology has transformed Britain into a surveillance society — threatening human relationships and destroying trust.

Hard times have some flirting with survivalism
Economic angst has Americans stockpiling 'beans, bullets and Band-Aids’
Atash Hagmahani is not waiting for the stock market to recover. The former high-tech professional turned urban survivalist has already moved his money into safer investments: Rice and beans, for starters.

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