Tuesday, October 21, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Oct. 21, 2008

Emergency Declarations Smooth Way for Vaccine Makers
But by declaring these public health emergencies, HHS has granted manufacturers of anti-terrorism drugs and vaccines and others involved with the products protection from lawsuits if the drugs were to cause unfortunate side effects.

Government unveils 'Big Brother' plan:
Now they want to snoop on every phone call, email and text message
Plans for a massive expansion of ‘Big Brother’ state surveillance to cover every phone call, email, text message and internet visit in Britain were unveiled yesterday.

Britain releases secret UFO files
Britain's Ministry of Defence on Monday made public its secret files on UFO sightings, with the dossier including a range of reports from a close encounter with a UFO over Kent and a letter from a woman claiming to be an alien warrior.

Racist Obama Effigy Hung In Ohio (VIDEO)
A local station runs a disturbing story about a Ohio resident named Mike Lunsford who has hung an effigy of Barack Obama in his front yard. Lunsford freely admits that he is against Obama because of his race.

Pact to Allow U.S. Troops Until 2011 Sent to Iraqi Politicians
Iraq would have the right to prosecute American troops and Pentagon contractors accused of major, premeditated crimes committed outside U.S. bases and when they were not on duty, under a draft security pact governing military operations here, Iraqi officials said Wednesday.

Pastor Challenges IRS with Pro-McCain Sermon
In a predominantly black church in a city known for its past racial strife, Bishop Robert Smith is taking sides. His targets: Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and federal restrictions barring Smith's endorsement of Republican John McCain.

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