Friday, October 17, 2008

World News Updates

Friday Oct. 17, 2008

First graders go on field trip to teacher's same sex wedding
When San Francisco first graders took a special field trip to surprise their beloved teacher at her wedding, they learned a few things about marriage. "Marriage is people falling in love" said one student, "You stay with someone the rest of your life."

CTA buses carry ads from Islamic group
A Chicago-area Muslim group called Gain Peace has spent $29,900 to place signs on 25 CTA buses serving the North Side in a monthlong campaign organizers hope will help dispel misconceptions about Islam.

Bad economy spells upturn for military recruiting: Pentagon officials
The US economic crisis could well make life easier for US military recruiters, who have struggled in recent years to meet their services' enlistment goals in a time of war.

China orders milk product recall
China has ordered the withdrawal of all liquid and powdered milk made more than a month ago to help restore confidence after the tainted milk scandal.

British Prime Minister sells globalization as the saviour
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called for a new Bretton Woods system, saying that the financial crisis should be used to make world leaders agree to fresh rules and regulations under a long planned new global financial order.

VIDEO - The Secret History of the American Empire - The Truth About Global Corruption
Perkins zeroes in on hot spots around the world such as Venezuela, Tibet, Iraq, Israel, Vietnam and others and exposes the network of events in each of these countries that have contributed to the creation of the American Empire and international corruption in "The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption"

Summit Calls Nation to Prayer
The National Day of Prayer Task Force is calling the nation to "get back to the heart of prayer" during its 2008 National Day of Prayer Summit, which begins Friday.

Female Presidents, Not Pastors?
Just as the politics-in-the-pulpit debate escalates, so has the issue of women in leadership roles - particularly within certain church denominations - resurfaced since Republican presidential candidate John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Christian Movie Receives R Rating
The makers of the movie version of House, penned jointly by leading Christian suspense writers Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker, are disappointed that it will have an R rating when it releases in more than 400 theaters next month - possibly keeping away a big chunk of its potential core audience.

Born alive baby killed at abortion clinic, gets proper funeral
"That baby was swept into a biohazard bag with some caustic chemicals and tossed up on the roof of that abortion clinic to die,"

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