Friday, September 26, 2008

World News Updates

Friday Sept. 26, 2008

Time for flu shots, now for 6-month-olds too
With flu season lurking, public health officials are urging Americans as young as 6 months to get a flu shot.
BLOG COMMENT: Don't get any vaccine! (read more)

Christian group building replica of ‘Wailing Wall’
Evangelicals say they hope to show support for Israel. Locals who have longed to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem but can't afford the trip soon will be able to mimic the experience without leaving town.

Gore: 'Civil disobedience' needed to halt coal plant construction
Former vice president Al Gore urged young environmental activists to engage in "civil disobedience" to halt the construction of coal plants that do not mitigate their carbon emissions.

Seeking Change in Law, Pastors to Endorse Candidates
This Sunday, 35 Religious Leaders Will Break the Law and Endorse Politicians. On Sunday, Pastor Jody Hice of Bethlehem, Ga., a man who takes the Bible literally and has never committed a crime, will stand before God and the 1,300 members of his congregation and willfully break the law.

Experts 'solve' mystery of Stonehenge
Two British archeologists declared Monday that they have uncovered the core reason behind the construction of one of the world's best known and least understood landmarks.

Chuck Norris urges citizens on to patriotism
A well-known actor, martial arts expert, and political activist is concerned about the direction of the nation and is rallying people to take action.

11 kids, including family of 9, abandoned
Eleven children ranging in age from 1 to 17 were left at hospitals Wednesday under Nebraska's unique safe haven law, which allows caregivers to abandon youngsters as old as 19 without fear of prosecution.
BLOG COMMENT: Intersting numbers in the news again.

'YouTube' gunman kills ten students after being set free by police to go on school rampage
A gunman killed ten students in an exam hall on Tuesday after posting a video on the internet in which he turned to the camera and declared: 'You will die next.'
BLOG COMMENT: Lone shooter or mind control assassin?

UN chief calls for 'global leadership'
UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday stressed the need for "global leadership" as he pressed world leaders not to pursue narrow national interests in the face of hard economic times.

Former Abortionist: ‘All I Could See Was Somebody’s Son or Daughter’
Priests for Life, a Catholic advocacy group that wants to end abortion and euthanasia, brought its message to Capitol Hill last week by letting Dr. Anthony Levatino share the graphic details of a procedure he performed hundreds of times -- before a personal tragedy led him to become a pro-life activist.
BLOG COMMENT: But will this stop the cruel and demonic slaughter of 4,000+ unborn babies a day here in the USA alone? Not likely.

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