Tuesday, September 9, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday September 9, 2008

U.S. drones kill 23 in missile attack in Pakistan
Missiles fired by U.S. drones killed 23 people, mostly relatives of a Taliban commander close to Osama bin Laden, in a region of Pakistan near the Afghan border on Monday, witnesses and intelligence officials said.

Scientists hope for surprises in Big Bang experiment
Scientists involved in a historic "Big Bang" experiment to begin this week hope it will turn up many surprises about the universe and its origins -- but reject suggestions it will bring the end of the world.

Mayor Palin: A Rough Record
......In fact, according to some who were involved in that fight, Palin was a highly polarizing political figure who brought partisan politics and hot-button social issues like abortion and gun control into a mayoral race that had traditionally been contested like a friendly intramural contest among neighbors.

Madonna makes dedication to Pope
"I dedicate this song to the Pope, because I'm a child of God," she told 60,000 fans in the Italian capital. "All of you are also children of God."

Pentagon debates development of offensive cyberspace capabilities
Igniting a provocative new debate, senior military officials are pushing the Pentagon to go on the offensive in cyberspace by developing the ability to attack other nations' computer systems, rather than concentrating on defending America's electronic security.

The Secret Sun: Illuminated Pyramids and Obelisks Across the World
Our recent look at the EU meeting in Siberia got me thinking about Masonic architecture. You know, obelisks, pyramids and benben stones showing up in unexpected places, particularly modern cities.

The False Prophet of the New World Order
Last month RATzinger was in Valencia, Spain, and here are some photos of his trip!
The creepy photo to the right is where the Anti-Christ Pope preached ... see the big Horus eye?

Sarah Palin has yet to meet the press
When political junkies flip through television stations on Sunday morning, they'll find policy-driven interviews with three of the four candidates on the presidential tickets — John McCain, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They won’t, though, see Sarah Palin.

Are Evangelicals Really Sold on Palin?
Sure, John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin to be his running mate fully consumed a GOP convention that was supposed to be focused on thumping Barack Obama over the head. And it may have raised questions about McCain's own judgment and seriousness.

Sarah Sez: Sarah Palin-superwoman or bad mommy???
McCain has chosen his running mate, Sarah Palin Gov. of Alaska.

Could Sarah Palin juggle family, vice presidency?
The article raised the question: "With five children, including an infant with Down syndrome and...a pregnant 17-year-old, Ms. Palin has set off a fierce argument among women about whether there are enough hours in the day for her to take on the vice presidency, and whether she is right to try." Serrin Foster heads Feminists for Life, of which Palin is a member.

Team McCain and the Trooper
Key Alaska allies of John McCain are trying to derail a politically charged investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner in order to prevent a so-called "October surprise" that would produce embarrassing information about the vice presidential candidate on the eve of the election.

Secret Service confiscates books & buttons from Ron Paul delegates
Today at the Republican National Convention, as the Ron Paul Delegates were taking a picture in front of the model White House inside the Convention Center, they were surrounded by Secret Service which proceeded to search the bags of all the delegates. They took any and everything related to Ron Paul including signs, buttons, videos, slim jims, cards, even books.

On Gov. Sarah Palin's watch, Alaska liberalized its abortion laws.
It didn't take long for Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin to make a name for herself on the family-values front. Tapped only a week ago to join presidential contender Sen. John McCain on the GOP ticket, the little-known first-term governor of Alaska walked on stage with a reputation as a staunchly pro-life crusader.

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