Tuesday, September 30, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Sept. 30, 2008

More than 1,100 arrested in Cal immigration sweep
Federal immigration authorities say more than 1,150 people have been arrested in a special three-week sweep in California.

Schwarzenegger to convene global climate summit
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican who has challenged many members of his party to take climate change seriously, said Friday that he plans to invite lawmakers and governmental executives from around the globe to California this fall to address solutions to the problem.

Congress poised to pass Internet radio legislation
Congress is close to passing legislation that would buy extra time to finalize an agreement intended to save the emerging Internet radio market from a crippling hike in copyright royalty rates.

Commentary: Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer
Congress has balked at the Bush administration's proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. Under this plan, the Treasury would have bought the "troubled assets" of financial institutions in an attempt to avoid economic meltdown.

'Doomsday Machine' Lawsuit Tossed Out by Judge
A federal judge in Hawaii has dismissed a lawsuit trying to stop the world's largest atom smasher.

VIDEO - Tina Fey As Sarah Palin: Katie Couric SNL Skit
The sketch mocks Palin's recent interview with CBS News' Katie Couric (played on SNL by Amy Poehler), touching on Palin's trip to New York and her comments about Russia and the financial bailout.

Monday, September 29, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Sept. 29, 2008

PETER HITCHENS: How China has created a new slave empire in Africa
I think I am probably going to die any minute now. An inflamed, deceived mob of about 50 desperate men are crowding round the car, some trying to turn it over, others beating at it with large rocks, all yelling insults and curses.

Breakdown of the final bailout bill
Section-by-section breakdown of the "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008," otherwise known as the $700 billion Wall Street bailout bill.

Palin giving back tainted money
VP candidate to donate to charity over $1,000 from gubernatorial campaign
Gov. Sarah Palin, touted by Republican presidential nominee John McCain as a reformer when he picked her to be his running mate, says she will donate to charity more than $1,000 in campaign contributions from two Alaska politicians implicated in a federal corruption probe.

Death toll from floods in Vietnam reaches 33
Floods triggered by Typhoon Hagupit have killed at least 33 people and left five others missing as rescuers struggled to provide relief aid to isolated villages, disaster officials said Sunday.

Chavez says crisis-hit U.S. needs new constitution
Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez said on Saturday it was the capitalist system that had caused the financial crisis in the United States and the country should come up with a new constitution.

Arrest in Girl Scout's 33-Year-Old Murder Jolts City
For 33 days, Nashville wondered what happened to a 9-year-old Girl Scout who disappeared while out delivering cookies.

Controversial pastor shuts down his church
A once prominent leader in the charismatic movement has been forced to shut down his church in the wake of a radical change in his theological beliefs.

Israel asked US for green light to bomb nuclear sites in Iran
Israel gave serious thought this spring to launching a military strike on Iran's nuclear sites but was told by President George W Bush that he would not support it and did not expect to revise that view for the rest of his presidency, senior European diplomatic sources have told the Guardian.

HK police arrest 11 for spreading rumors about AIG
Hong Kong police arrest 11 for spreading rumors AIG is selling Asian subsidiary
Hong Kong police said Friday they have arrested 11 people in connection with a forged letter that claimed troubled U.S. insurance giant American International Group Inc. was selling its Asian subsidiary.

Friday, September 26, 2008

World News Updates

Friday Sept. 26, 2008

Time for flu shots, now for 6-month-olds too
With flu season lurking, public health officials are urging Americans as young as 6 months to get a flu shot.
BLOG COMMENT: Don't get any vaccine! (read more)

Christian group building replica of ‘Wailing Wall’
Evangelicals say they hope to show support for Israel. Locals who have longed to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem but can't afford the trip soon will be able to mimic the experience without leaving town.

Gore: 'Civil disobedience' needed to halt coal plant construction
Former vice president Al Gore urged young environmental activists to engage in "civil disobedience" to halt the construction of coal plants that do not mitigate their carbon emissions.

Seeking Change in Law, Pastors to Endorse Candidates
This Sunday, 35 Religious Leaders Will Break the Law and Endorse Politicians. On Sunday, Pastor Jody Hice of Bethlehem, Ga., a man who takes the Bible literally and has never committed a crime, will stand before God and the 1,300 members of his congregation and willfully break the law.

Experts 'solve' mystery of Stonehenge
Two British archeologists declared Monday that they have uncovered the core reason behind the construction of one of the world's best known and least understood landmarks.

Chuck Norris urges citizens on to patriotism
A well-known actor, martial arts expert, and political activist is concerned about the direction of the nation and is rallying people to take action.

11 kids, including family of 9, abandoned
Eleven children ranging in age from 1 to 17 were left at hospitals Wednesday under Nebraska's unique safe haven law, which allows caregivers to abandon youngsters as old as 19 without fear of prosecution.
BLOG COMMENT: Intersting numbers in the news again.

'YouTube' gunman kills ten students after being set free by police to go on school rampage
A gunman killed ten students in an exam hall on Tuesday after posting a video on the internet in which he turned to the camera and declared: 'You will die next.'
BLOG COMMENT: Lone shooter or mind control assassin?

UN chief calls for 'global leadership'
UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday stressed the need for "global leadership" as he pressed world leaders not to pursue narrow national interests in the face of hard economic times.

Former Abortionist: ‘All I Could See Was Somebody’s Son or Daughter’
Priests for Life, a Catholic advocacy group that wants to end abortion and euthanasia, brought its message to Capitol Hill last week by letting Dr. Anthony Levatino share the graphic details of a procedure he performed hundreds of times -- before a personal tragedy led him to become a pro-life activist.
BLOG COMMENT: But will this stop the cruel and demonic slaughter of 4,000+ unborn babies a day here in the USA alone? Not likely.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

World News Updates

Thursday Sept. 25, 2008

US generals planning for resource wars
ANALYSIS: The US military sees the next 30 to 40 years as involving a state of continuous war against ideologically-motivated terrorists and competing with Russia and China for natural resources and markets, writes Tom Clonan.

Naomi Klein: Financial crisis part of Bush 'shock doctrine'
The bailout of Wall Street’s largest players by the federal government is another example of the Bush administration pursuing a corporate agenda at the expense of average Americans, a prominent author argued on Friday.

Study Finds Major Shift in Abortion Demographics
The face of women who have abortions has shifted significantly in the past 30 years, with relatively fewer white childless teenagers and more mothers of color in their 20s and 30s opting to terminate their pregnancies, according to a report being released today.

Russian warships set sail for manoeuvres near US waters
Squadron heads to venezuela for november wargames
A fleet of Russian warships led by a massive missile cruiser set sail from their Arctic base on Monday for naval exercises off Venezuela near US waters that have not been seen since the Cold War.

Pennsylvania Town Says Couple Runs Swingers' Club Inside Church
A Pennsylvania couple is fighting to maintain a church they run from a Huntingdon Township home, which officials say is really a raunchy swingers club where single men have to pay for access but women come for free.

Iraq's first Christian militia takes a stand
With Kalashnikovs slung over their shoulders, Iraq's first Christian militia enforces one simple rule on the border of this little village: 'Anyone not from Tel Asquf, is banned.'

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Sept. 23, 2008

Tuesday Sept. 23, 2008
What Olmert's Resignation Means for Israel
Hounded by allegations of corruption, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert resigned on Sept. 21 after 33 months in office, but he will remain as head of an interim government until a new ruling coalition is formed by the country's quarrelsome parties.
The Bible Goes Green for the Prius Age
Green runs through the Bible like a vine. There are the Garden and Noah's olive branch. The oaks under which Abraham met with angels. The "tree standing by the waterside" in Psalms. And there is Jesus, the self-proclaimed "true vine," who describes the Kingdom of Heaven as a mustard seed that grows into a tree "where birds can nest." He dies on a cross of wood, and when he rises Mary Magdalene mistakes him for a gardener.
China's top food safety official resigns
Nearly 53,000 Chinese children sick from contaminated milk; 4 have died
The head of the Chinese agency that monitors food and product safety has resigned, state media announced Monday, pushed out by a scandal over tainted baby formula that killed four babies and sickened nearly 53,000.
Taiwan firm recalls melamine-contaminated coffee
A Taiwanese company says it has recalled packs of Mr. Brown instant coffee and milk tea containing contaminated milk powder imported from China.
Wicca Experts Encourage Christians to Engage America's 'Fastest-Growing' Religion
While many Christians today are closely monitoring the growth and activity of Islam, especially after 9/11, another religious movement has been steadily growing “under the radar” and could become among the largest religions in the United States in less than five years.
Activists: Man locked up over China quake pics
Teacher sent to labor camp for year after posting photos online, group says
A teacher who posted pictures online of schools that collapsed when a massive earthquake hit Sichuan province in May has been sent to a labor camp for one year, a rights group said Wednesday.
Pope defends WWII pontiff's role
Pope Benedict XVI has defended the actions of predecessor Pius XII during World War II, saying the pontiff spared no effort to try to save Jews.

'World Wide Computer' is on horizon
It'll change the way we work, socialize, and function as people, communities and nations. It will have an impact on how we make war and peace. Some say it's the biggest thing since electricity became a utility — yet most of us won't see it coming.

Ultimate taboo hits big screen: Sex with children
Family advocate calls for boycott of promotions for 'pedophilia'
The founder of Movieguide, a top film-rating organization in Hollywood, is joining a growing call for a boycott of two new movies that feature pedophilia, warning of the dangers that come with themes involving sex with children.

Judge orders Cheney to preserve records
Private group is suing vice president, Bush's office to keep materials open
The decision by U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a setback for the Bush administration in its effort to promote a narrow definition of materials that must be safeguarded under the Presidential Records Act.

Evangelist's compound raided in child porn case
FBI agents and state police raided an evangelist's headquarters Saturday as part of a child pornography investigation and said they planned to remove several children from the complex, run by a man previously accused of child abuse.

Black Fraternal Society Rediscovered in Barbados
Arkansas-based black fraternal society finds forgotten link to its past in Barbados
The history of the Mosaic Templars was believed to have drawn to a close in the 1930s, when the Great Depression swallowed one of the largest benevolent societies for blacks in the nation and likely the world.

'Big bang machine' halted for 2 months
Damage to $10 billion particle collider is worse than previously believed
The world's largest atom smasher — which was launched with great fanfare earlier this month — has been damaged worse than previously thought and will be out of commission for at least two months, its operators said Saturday.

Friday, September 19, 2008

World News Updates

Friday Sept. 19, 2008

Scientist concedes 'honest mistake' about weaponized anthrax
An acclaimed government scientist who assisted the federal investigation of the 2001 anthrax mailings said Tuesday that he erred seven years ago when he told top Bush administration officials that material he examined probably had been altered to make it more deadly.

In Finland, heavy metal music moves the masses, even in church
Most teens may not get excited about church, but in Finland they go out of their way to attend in the latest testimony to the country's infatuation with heavy metal music: Metal Mass.

Palin Calling for an End to Investigation She Requested
GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin shifted her tactics for the second time in three weeks on the "Troopergate" investigation, this time calling to end the very investigation that she herself called for and the one the McCain campaign had said was the only proper venue for a probe.

Church of England claims Hallowe'en is 'similar' to Christmas Eve
A website created by the Church claims that the event, which is based on a pagan celebration and has no Biblical basis, represents "light coming in the darkness" similar to the arrival on Earth of Jesus Christ.

Roswell residents report UFO sightings
Several people in Roswell, N.M., have reported spotting an unidentified flying object over the northwest side of the city, a mecca for those interested in UFOs.

Pentagon approves spy satellite program
The Pentagon has approved plans to buy and launch two commercial-class imagery satellites to complement its classified constellation of spy satellites.

Palin linked electoral success to prayer of Kenyan witchhunter
The pastor whose prayer Sarah Palin says helped her to become governor of Alaska founded his ministry with a witchhunt against a Kenyan woman who he accused of causing car accidents through demonic spells.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

World News Updates

Wednesday Sept. 17, 2008

New faith throws out the Ten Commandments
Dr Macnab says Abraham is probably a concoction, Moses was a mass murderer and Jesus Christ just a Jewish peasant who certainly was not God. In fact, there is no God, in the usual sense of an interventionist deity - what we strive for is a presence both within and beyond us.

Teach 'the pleasure of gay sex' to children as young as five, say researchers
Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project.

Could So Many UFO Witnesses Be Right?
For decades, millions of people around the world have reported seeing UFOs hovering in their skies. It is a mystery that science has been unable to solve, and the phenomenon remains largely unexamined. Much of the reporting on this subject holds those who claim to have seen UFOs up to ridicule.

Prominent evangelical "anoints" Sarah Palin as Biblical prophet
A prominent evangelical figure in the U.S. this week said Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin is a modern-day incarnation of the Biblical prophet, Deborah - primed to miraculously slay her nation's enemies on the battlefield.

Is Google's new browser spying on you?
Germany's Office for Information Security, or BSI, suspects it is. According to Mashable and Google Blogoscoped, a German TV news programme carried this weekend a BSI warning alerting its fellow countrymen to use the recently launched Chrome browser only sparingly -- "at least for anything other than experimental tasks", Mashable writes.

'Isaac's Storm' a cautionary tale for the new century
Isaac Cline was a legend around Galveston, Texas -- the weatherman who, as the story went, recognized a big storm was coming, warned the town's residents, and helped save thousands of lives.

Monday, September 15, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Sept. 15, 2008

Intrusive New FBI Surveillance Guidelines Proposed
The New York Times reports some members of Congress were briefed earlier this month on a Department of Justice proposal for new FBI guidelines that loosen surveillance restrictions and that a few Senators lodged objections.

NYPD Sued Over Spycams; Video 911?
The New York Police Department is happy to talk about its plans to ring lower Manhattan with thousands of security cameras. But the Department won't say exactly where the cameras are, or what will be done with the data. So now the New York City Liberties Union is suing the NYPD, to force 'em to fess up on the spycams.

Cindy McCain On Abortion, Creationism
CBS News anchor Katie Couric talked one-on-one with Cindy McCain about her husband's selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate. They also discussed social issues, such as abortion. Couric began by asking McCain if the governor has been rattled by the intense media scrutiny.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy friend says 9/11 was a lie
One of France's most successful stand-up comedians and a close friend of President Nicolas Sarkozy has sparked outrage by becoming the latest French star to question the official account of the September 11 attacks.

Barack Obama's Former Pastor In Sex Scandal
He almost wrecked Barack Obama's presidential dreams, and now firebrand pastor Jeremiah Wright has helped destroy a Dallas church worker's marriage - and her job, The Post has learned.

Fear of black hole machine triggers threats to researchers
'You are evil and dangerous and you are going to destroy the world'
Scientists preparing to fire up the world's largest atom smasher are being flooded with phone calls and emails – even death threats – from people worried that the Large Hadron Collider, when activated, will obliterate planet Earth.

Indian girl commits suicide over 'Big Bang' fear
In India, fears about the experiment spread rapidly through the media
A teenage girl in central India killed herself on Wednesday after being traumatized by media reports that a "Big Bang" experiment in Europe could bring about the end of the world, her father said.

Giant pyramid capable of housing one million people to be built in Dubai
Ancient civilizations, the Maya and Ancient Egypt, are known for their incredible art of architecture. The ancient people could never imagine that the form of their pyramids would be used as a model for the latest ecology-friendly construction that will become another decoration of Dubai, InFuture.ru reports.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday September 9, 2008

U.S. drones kill 23 in missile attack in Pakistan
Missiles fired by U.S. drones killed 23 people, mostly relatives of a Taliban commander close to Osama bin Laden, in a region of Pakistan near the Afghan border on Monday, witnesses and intelligence officials said.

Scientists hope for surprises in Big Bang experiment
Scientists involved in a historic "Big Bang" experiment to begin this week hope it will turn up many surprises about the universe and its origins -- but reject suggestions it will bring the end of the world.

Mayor Palin: A Rough Record
......In fact, according to some who were involved in that fight, Palin was a highly polarizing political figure who brought partisan politics and hot-button social issues like abortion and gun control into a mayoral race that had traditionally been contested like a friendly intramural contest among neighbors.

Madonna makes dedication to Pope
"I dedicate this song to the Pope, because I'm a child of God," she told 60,000 fans in the Italian capital. "All of you are also children of God."

Pentagon debates development of offensive cyberspace capabilities
Igniting a provocative new debate, senior military officials are pushing the Pentagon to go on the offensive in cyberspace by developing the ability to attack other nations' computer systems, rather than concentrating on defending America's electronic security.

The Secret Sun: Illuminated Pyramids and Obelisks Across the World
Our recent look at the EU meeting in Siberia got me thinking about Masonic architecture. You know, obelisks, pyramids and benben stones showing up in unexpected places, particularly modern cities.

The False Prophet of the New World Order
Last month RATzinger was in Valencia, Spain, and here are some photos of his trip!
The creepy photo to the right is where the Anti-Christ Pope preached ... see the big Horus eye?

Sarah Palin has yet to meet the press
When political junkies flip through television stations on Sunday morning, they'll find policy-driven interviews with three of the four candidates on the presidential tickets — John McCain, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They won’t, though, see Sarah Palin.

Are Evangelicals Really Sold on Palin?
Sure, John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin to be his running mate fully consumed a GOP convention that was supposed to be focused on thumping Barack Obama over the head. And it may have raised questions about McCain's own judgment and seriousness.

Sarah Sez: Sarah Palin-superwoman or bad mommy???
McCain has chosen his running mate, Sarah Palin Gov. of Alaska.

Could Sarah Palin juggle family, vice presidency?
The article raised the question: "With five children, including an infant with Down syndrome and...a pregnant 17-year-old, Ms. Palin has set off a fierce argument among women about whether there are enough hours in the day for her to take on the vice presidency, and whether she is right to try." Serrin Foster heads Feminists for Life, of which Palin is a member.

Team McCain and the Trooper
Key Alaska allies of John McCain are trying to derail a politically charged investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin's firing of her public safety commissioner in order to prevent a so-called "October surprise" that would produce embarrassing information about the vice presidential candidate on the eve of the election.

Secret Service confiscates books & buttons from Ron Paul delegates
Today at the Republican National Convention, as the Ron Paul Delegates were taking a picture in front of the model White House inside the Convention Center, they were surrounded by Secret Service which proceeded to search the bags of all the delegates. They took any and everything related to Ron Paul including signs, buttons, videos, slim jims, cards, even books.

On Gov. Sarah Palin's watch, Alaska liberalized its abortion laws.
It didn't take long for Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin to make a name for herself on the family-values front. Tapped only a week ago to join presidential contender Sen. John McCain on the GOP ticket, the little-known first-term governor of Alaska walked on stage with a reputation as a staunchly pro-life crusader.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Where Are They??

An honor guard at Arlington National Cemetery fired a 21-gun salute over the silver casket holding the thigh and jaw bones of a soldier shot down over Papua New Guinea in 1943.

Man on a mission to recover missing U.S. soldiers
Jim Staats
Article Launched: 09/07/2008

Keith Phillips of Mill Valley choked up as soldiers handed a crisp, folded flag to the family of Pvt. Joseph Thompson.

"It was a very tear-jerker moment," Phillips said.

The 52-year-old former marketing executive founded the nonprofit Project Homecoming to help locate the more than 80,000 American troops missing from World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars. In the Thompson case, he helped connect a daughter with authorities and cut legal paperwork.

Phillips, a semi-retired consultant and "extreme history buff," invested $60,000 to start the organization last year after reporting the discoveries of soldiers' remains during travels to Pacific islands for more than a decade.

"I never went into this looking for the dead," he said of his island-hopping hobby. "I just started finding them."

In the past year, Phillips has helped families of five missing soldiers. None touched him more than the story of Private Thompson, a U.S. Air Corps gunner in World War II whose remains were buried at Arlington last month.

Born in Mankato, Minn., in 1917, Thompson was among the 11-man crew of a B-24 reconnaissance flight shot down Dec. 3, 1943, over the Bismarck Sea. The wreck was discovered almost 60 years later in thick jungle.

While based in Australia, Thompson fell in love with a woman he learned was pregnant as his leave was ending. Sgt. Thompson was demoted to private for going AWOL to be with her.
Thompson then vanished with his crew, a mystery that began to unravel in 2002 when New Guinea tribesmen found bones scattered in a jungle wreck.

Last year, several bones found in the New Guinea wreckage were identified as Thompson's. The bones of nine other crewmen also were identified.

Forty years after her birth in 1944, Sandy Smith set out to learn about her father, armed only with his name. She tracked down both his birth and adoptive families in Minnesota.

"I did my research to basically be able to walk in his footsteps," she said. "You carry a lot of empty voids when you grow up only having a name."

Phillips' involvement in the case began several months ago, when he contacted military officials, politicians, Australian embassy officials and others seeking next-of-kin status for Smith.

"Keith opened a lot of doors for us," said Smith, an Australian.

She said the funeral service in Virginia helped close a lot of doors as well.

"He's been in the jungle for 65 years," she said. "He deserves to be home."

Phillips said he and others work with Pacific island tribesmen to find military wreckage sites, and report findings to military officials who take over. Often, it takes years to recover bodies.

The Department of Defense budget to locate and account for missing soldiers has remained at $16 million a year this past decade. A separate budget of $70 million to recover the missing has fluctuated.

"I think people will be surprised that there is such little activity to look for these people," Phillips said.

The Joint Prisoners of War/Missing in Action Accounting Command, in Honolulu, Hawaii, is responsible for tracking down soldiers missing in conflicts.

"This is the only line of response," said agency spokesman Sgt. Derrick Goode of the U.S Air Force. The command, manned by about 450 staffers including soldiers, archaeologists and anthropologists, includes the largest forensic anthropology laboratory in the world.

Goode said he knows of "lots of organizations" similar to Phillips' nonprofit. "We're in contact with a lot of wreck hunters for our recovery missions that we go on," he said.

Goode said 88,000 American soldiers listed as missing include about 78,000 from World War II. "A lot of that is on battleships and submarines," he said. "We don't consider those recoverable."

San Francisco political consultant Johnny Wang, a Project Homecoming board member, said Phillips works hard to put families in touch with officials.

"I don't think the public knows how little money and time we're spending bringing the soldiers back," he said.

Jeremy Bramson, an Oakland-based software consultant who has helped with technical aspects of Project Homecoming, said history is at stake.

"It's not just the big human questions of helping families out," said Bramson, a history buff. "It's the cultural and history aspect. There are people's stories that really need to be told."

The program helps keep a focus on older wars, Bramson said.

"If there is any big recovery effort, it goes to the most recent war," he said. "A big part of this is keeping World War II and other conflicts fresh in people's minds.

"To the people still searching, it's as fresh as if it was yesterday."

Keith Phillips of Mill Valley (seen at Battery Spencer in the Marin... (IJ photo/Jeff Vendsel)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

World News Updates

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ugandan Pastor Accused of Child Molestation
Another pastor has landed in the media headlights. This time, it’s a Ugandan pastor arrested for allegedly committing a lewd and lascivious act on a girl while on a domestic flight.

Sarah Palin: conservatives find the girl of their dreams
When Sarah Palin stepped into the spotlight as John McCain’s running mate in Dayton, Ohio, and promised that women could “shatter that glass ceiling once and for all”, it was an electrifying moment in a presidential election that had already produced its share of upsets and surprises.

The Man Behind Palin's Speech
As Democrats and Barack Obama's campaign scrambled to attack Sarah Palin's well-received acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., on Wednesday night, they latched on early and hard to the fact that it was penned by former Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully. But the story is more complicated than just the recycling of a Bush staffer into John McCain's fold, and it tells you more about how McCain's camp intends to use Palin than it does about the continuing influence of the current White House.

Fired Alaskan Official Says Palin Hasn't Been Truthful
The fired Alaskan official, whose dismissal has become the subject of a state senate committee's investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin, has told ABC News that she has not been entirely truthful on the matter.

Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush administration
Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden said earlier this week that he and running mate Barack Obama could pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration if they are elected in November.

Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God'
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God."

Prediction Market Starts Betting On Chance That Palin Will Withdraw From Ticket
As of 10:07pm Tuesday, traders on the Intrade prediction market are selling the chance that Palin will drop off John McCain's ticket at 15.0. Check here for more updates as the market moves.

Secessionist Palin Story: McCain Camp Pushes Back
Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which, since the 1970s, has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.
McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer's Palin Rumor
John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.

VIDEO - Washington Post’s Sally Quinn: ‘Palin’s First Priority Has to be Her Children’

Report: Angry Black Supremacist Religious Movement is on the Rise
Thousands of black men and women who believe Jesus Christ is returning soon to kill or enslave white people, Jews, homosexuals and others have joined the racist fringe of the black Hebrew Israelite movement, according to the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report, released today.

Sarah Palin - Wikipedia - 11th Governor and Born on the 11th

Vicar admits child porn charges
A vicar is behind bars after he admitted possessing more than 55,000 indecent pictures of children.

Palin Speech Is Abruptly Canceled
The McCain campaign is showing signs of being spooked by the press frenzy about Governor Palin's family, abruptly canceling a scheduled appearance by the presumptive vice presidential nominee, moving to keep the candidate under wraps until today's prime-time speech at the Republican National Convention here.

Gay priest Dr Jeffrey John could become a bishop in Wales
The gay clergyman whose abortive appointment as Bishop of Reading came close to splitting the Church of England could soon become Britain’s first openly gay diocesan bishop.

'Arming' for Armageddon
Militant Joel's Army Followers Seek Theocracy

Sarah Palin's cult connections that McCain doesn't want you to know about. Options
Here's hoping this article starts shining a little bit of light on the subject--the last thing we need a literal heartbeat away from the Presidency is a ninja dominionist.

FX drama "Sons of Anarchy" a bloodthirsty ride
It's too easy to compare the harrowing new FX original drama "Sons of Anarchy" to "The Sopranos," with leather jackets and Harley-Davidsons replacing the tailored suits and pasta.

Report: Gonzales Mishandled Top Secret Docs
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales mishandled notes and documents related to a counterterrorism program that he described as "probably the most classified program that exists in the U.S. government," according to a Justice Department report released today.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Sept. 02, 2008

4 Investigates: Floodwalls stuffed with newspaper?
Those are the words St. Bernard parish president Craig Taffaro used to watch videotape Eyewitness News showed him, of floodwalls built to protect his parish.

GOP VP candidate Palin's daughter is pregnant
John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin said Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, an announcement campaign aides said was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's.

Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother?? (Video and Photos)
Yesterday, with the news of Sarah Louise Heath Palin inexplicably being chosen as a Vice-Presidential nominee, the attentive American public was also introduced to her character. Unfortunately for all of us, it was filled with multiple instances of backtracking and outright lies. While Alaskans had been giving her an 80% approval rating, recently 87% of Alaskans polled on the subject of TrooperGate believed she was lying.

Economy gets big stimulus boost
U.S. gross domestic product grew by 3.3% in the second quarter - much more than previously stated. Economists say the economic stimulus package contributed to the rise.

Burying of women alive defended in Senate
Balochistan Senator Sardar Israrullah Zehri stunned the upper house on Friday when he defended the recent incident of burying alive three teenage girls and two women in his province, saying it was part of “our tribal custom.”

Palin’s 17-Year-Old Daughter is Pregnant
The 17-year-old unwed daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is five-months pregnant, Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, said Monday in a written statement.

McCain ad questioned as word 'HANG' appears over image of Barack Obama
A McCain ad aired on Fox News channel with the words "HANG" in the background along with a photograph of Barack Obama has sparked outrage after being noticed by a reporter at a local Fox television affiliate.

Bible Courses Allowed, Not Mandatory for Schools
Texas high schools are not required to offer elective high school Bible courses under a new law adopted by the state last year, Attorney General Greg Abbott said Thursday.

Police find 11 decapitated bodies in Mexico
Police in southern Mexico found two piles of decapitated bodies containing the remains of 11 men on Thursday.

McCain camp gleefully mocks 'temple of Obama'
Republicans, who mock Barack Obama as a self-appointed divine savior, gleefully pounced Thursday on pictures of the set for his big convention speech, which appears to resemble a temple.

U.S. & Russian Warships Line Up Over Georgia
US and Russian warships took up positions in the Black Sea today in a risky war of nerves on opposing sides of the Georgia conflict.

VIDEO - DNC Protests: Police slam CodePink protester to the ground
Police slam CodePink protester to the ground...................