Saturday, August 2, 2008

World News Updates

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pushing Prescriptions - A Record Year for the Pharmaceutical Lobby in '07 - Washington's largest lobby racks up another banner year on Capitol Hill. Washington's largest lobby, the pharmaceutical industry, racked up another banner year on Capitol Hill in 2007, backed by a record $168 million lobbying effort, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of federal lobbying data. Among the industry's successes: getting two controversial laws extended and thwarting congressional efforts to restrict media ads for prescription drugs.

The animal has a simian jaw, bulging forehead, small snout and eyes that are so close together that they appear almost attached.

John Fowler Looks At Growing Trend Of Meteorological Manipulation

A Florida woman who has been married to both the former head of the Ku Klux Klan and the creator of a notorious white supremacist Web site is working as a spokeswoman for a school that aims to lift underprivileged black and Hispanic children out of poverty.

A leading Anglican bishop has condemned conservatives as "demonic" for using his church as a punch bag.

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