Thursday, August 7, 2008

World News Updates

Thursday Aug 07, 2008

Bush: China must end detentions, ensure freedoms
The same day of his arrival in Beijing for the Olympics, President Bush is carrying a message of "deep concerns" about the state of human rights in China and urging the communist nation to allow political freedoms for its citizens.

U.S. approves 6 flu vaccines for next season
U.S. health regulators have approved six versions of the influenza vaccine to help combat the virus during the 2008-2009 flu season later this year.

Lynching Advocate Toby Keith: Obama Acts White To Win
Last week, I reported for the Huffington Post that country singer Toby Keith had performed a pro-lynching anthem on the Colbert Report, and would be playing the same song soon on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and a slew of nationally televised talk shows.

Among the Intellectualoids - False Messiah
I hadn't heard gushing like this since the Flood of '92 was lapping at my second-story windows. Only this time the gusher was not the Mighty Mississippi, but someone nearly as wide, i.e., the film director Rob Reiner (Misery, When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men) in an interview with the Politico. Asked how things might be different when Obama wins the presidency, Reiner gushed:

Bush Ordered Fake Letter Linking Iraq To 9/11
A blockbuster new book from investigative journalist Ron Suskind adds another revelation to the growing canon demonstrating the lengths to which President Bush and members of his administration lied, misled and deceived the American people to pursue its invasion of Iraq.

Pentagon to test unclassified alternative to Talon
The Pentagon, which closed its Talon intelligence database nearly a year ago amid concerns about domestic spying, will soon begin testing an unclassified alternative for tracking possible threats to U.S. military bases, officials said on Tuesday.

VIDEO - Hundreds Turn Out to Back Science Teacher Fired for Keeping Bible on His Desk
"All I want to do is put my personal Bible on my desk."

VIDEO - UC Santa Cruz Biologist Fire Bombed - ALF
Local News Coverage from Santa Cruz regarding the cowardly ALF attacks on UC Santa Cruz Professor's home and family. - "A University of California-Santa Cruz biologist whose home was firebombed this weekend feared for his family's future yesterday while a spokesman for a radical animal rights group said the attacks were the consequences for performing research on animals."

Is HPV Vaccine to Blame for a Teen's Paralysis?
About a month after being vaccinated against the cervical cancer-causing HPV virus, 13-year-old Jenny Tetlock missed the lowest hurdle in gym class, the first hint of the degenerative muscle disease that, 15 months later, has left the previously healthy teenager nearly completely paralyzed. Did the vaccine, Gardasil, cause her condition? Her father, Philip Tetlock, a psychology professor at UC-Berkeley's Haas School of Business, has embarked on an odyssey to find out whether the vaccine or random coincidence is to blame.

PDF File Link
Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records - Judicial
Detailing the Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns and Marketing Practices of Large-Scale Public Health Experiment

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