Thursday, August 28, 2008

World News Updates

Thursday Aug. 30, 2008

("First 11 then 22 then now 23 interesting numbers") Kelly Mc.
Gustav Floods Haiti, Kills 11 as It Threatens to Become Hurricane, Slam Gulf Coast
As Tropical Storm Gustav moves away from Haiti, the Louisiana and Texas coasts are preparing for a date with a possible Category 2 or 3 hurricane as the storm could regain strength later in the day or on Thursday.

McCain to announce running mate on Friday ("At 11am, pretty interesting time he picked.") Kelly Mc.
Senator John McCain has decided on his running mate, two Republican strategists in contact with McCain's campaign said Wednesday. He is expected to reveal his choice at a rally at a basketball arena in Dayton, Ohio, at 11 a.m. Friday.

Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

Pastor Attacked, Churches Burned in Wake of Swami's Murder in Orissa, India
At least one Gospel for Asia missionary has been attacked, churches and homes have been destroyed and Christians are fleeing for their lives in India’s Orissa state in the wake of the murder of a leading anti-Christian activist leader.

Thousands of gas pumps shortchange Texans
Did you get cheated? 11 News lets you check on pumps in your neighborhood
....Inspectors from the Texas Department of Agriculture found 990 of the 1,704 Sunmart fuel pumps were cheating consumers. At some stations, every single pump was coming up short on gas.

Is Obama a Secret Catholic?
Barack Obama's July 1 speech in Zanesville, Ohio, suggested a “secret” connection to Catholicism. I say “secret” because Obama has never fully explained his work for the Catholic Church’s Campaign for Human Development in Chicago. He did say that the experience “led me into public service.” Whatever the origins of his neighborhood work in Chicago, he has offered a theology of social activism consonant with Catholic teaching.

McCain Aide Mocks Obama's Columned Stage
When Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., moves the Democratic National Convention from the Pepsi Center to Invesco Field in Denver on Thursday, the freshman senator is planning to speak from a columned stage resembling an ancient Greek temple.

Prayer in public: Can you still say 'Jesus'?
ACLU sues to stop clergy from invoking 'religious messages' at meetings
The American Civil Liberties Union is asking the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to stop a suburban Atlanta county from opening its meetings with prayers that mention "Jesus" or other "sectarian" references, claiming the invocations represent government favoritism of Christianity.

Retreat owner indicted on tax evasion
The owner of a Christian retreat in Hagerstown has been indicted on tax evasion charges.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims
The old-fashioned attitudes and hierarchies of churches are causing a steep decline in the number of female worshippers, according to an academic study. The report claims more than 50,000 women a year have deserted their congregations over the past two decades because they feel the church is not relevant to their lives.

Controversial preacher Todd Bentley cancels Birmingham appearance
A US child sex offender turned church minister who tries to cure cancer victims by kicking them has cancelled his planned appearance at the NEC.

DNA barcoding takes on the world
Researchers have relied on the technique to trace a dead warbler found in the lettuce of a Canadian salad bar back to California. Other scientists have used the strategy to identify China as the true origin for a mouse head unexpectedly starring in a TV dinner and a deadly pufferfish posing as benign monkfish.

Another controversial pastor backs Obama
Some prominent charismatic leaders in Florida are throwing their support behind Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

Monday, August 25, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Aug. 25, 2008

Television shows geared towards children; commercials; motion pictures; educational shows and print media have introduced the reptilian image to the public over the last few years at an accelerating pace. From the renewed interest in dinosaurs to the reptilian alien characters on Star Trek, serpentine effigies have become prominent within all divisions of the U.S. media. Furthermore, because the United States dominates the world entertainment industry, this image has spread out like wild fire and has reached almost all corners of the Earth that have satellite or cable network television reception, movie theatres or children's books.

Following a four-day conference last week at Yale University, Christian and Muslim leaders from around the world announced the first step of the “Common Word” exchange drafted last November. A joint statement was affirmed in their support of religious freedom and further interfaith dialogue based on their common love for God and neighbor.

Intel sees future with shape-shifting robots, wireless power
The intelligence gap between man and machine will largely close by the year 2050, according to Intel Corp.'s chief technology officer, who yesterday reiterated that point during a keynote address at the Intel Developer Forum.

Bombing: A Way of Protest and Death
ONLY nine months ago, the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence was able to report that the U.S. "has experienced almost none of the chronic revolutionary conspiracy and terrorism that plagues dozens of other nations." To be sure, plots and skirmishes have footnoted American history, and bomb blasts sometimes provided the punctuation.

Is Mexico's Drug War Escalating?
German tourist Jurgen Kohl was window shopping in Mexico's trendy Zona Rosa district last Friday afternoon when he saw a flash of brilliant light followed by a thundering bang and the sound of shattering glass.
Google - Mexican Kidnapping Americans

Google - Mexican Drug Wars

MIT Students Get Top Marks for Hacking Boston Subway
In a story straight out of Cory Doctorow's Little Brother, three MIT undergraduates concocted a scheme to hack Boston's transit payment system, the Charlie Card (no relation). The students managed to reprogram the cards to increase their credit balance, thus allowing them to ride the subway for free.

Russia Checkmates the Neocons
It appears Russia is wasting little time responding to the neocon provocation of declaring its intention of installing missiles at Redzikowo, on Poland’s Baltic coast. Russia has dispatched the aircraft carrier at Admiral Kuznetsov to the Syrian port of Tartus. Admiral Kuznetsov, along with Russia’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear submarines, left Murmansk on the Barents Sea on August 18, according to DEBKAfile.

U.S. Navy Ships Head To Georgia
Two U.S. Navy ships, including a guided missile destroyer USS McFaul, and a U.S. Coast Guard cutter are getting underway to transport humanitarian assistance supplies to Georgia, U.S. European Command (EUCOM) said on August 21.

Sept 11 conspiracy theory put to bed
A RAGING, long-burning fire caused the collapse of World Trade Centre building number 7, which tumbled hours after hijacked jets hit the twin towers on September 11, 2001, investigators say.

NIST WTC 7 Investigation Finds Building Fires Caused Collapse
(In the face of common sense. When they want us to deny our common sense and believe them, and folks do, well they can do anything. ) Kelly Mc.

Stocks end mixed as oil surges and Lehman worries ease
Stocks ended mixed Thursday after investors largely shrugged off a jump in oil prices and focused instead on a bullish analyst call on Lehman Bros. that eased worries about the financial sector.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

World News Updates

Thursday Aug 21, 2008

Elderly Chinese women sent to labor camp for applying to protest in Olympic free-speech cages
A Chinese policeman stops journalists from taking pictures as they cordon off a park where they kept detained pro-Tibet demonstrators near the the main Olympic stadium in Beijing. Chinese police roughed up a British TV crew and stopped them covering a pro-Tibet protest, witnesses said, in the latest case of interference with media freedom at the Beijing Olympic Games.

Senators: FBI rules could target innocent people
Proposed rules to help the FBI catch terrorists could lead to innocent Americans being spied upon by government agents or informants "all without any basis for suspicion," a group of Democratic senators said Wednesday.

Willem Dafoe starring in Lars von Trier's Antichrist
Danish provocateur Lars von Trier has been surprisingly quiet since releasing The Boss of it All in 2006. Reports of his depression slowing down production seem to have some truth to them. Luckily, it looks like he's gotten back to work and, from the look of things, back to riling up audiences with his next project, Antichrist.

Oregon citizens denied vote on marriage issue
The Oregon Constitution says voters have the final say over any laws passed by the state legislature. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, however, says they don't.

An Enormous Crime:
The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia
An Enormous Crime is nothing less than shocking. Based on thousands of pages of public and previously classified documents, it makes an utterly convincing case that when the American government withdrew its forces from Vietnam, it knowingly abandoned hundreds of POWs to their fate. The product of twenty-five years of research by former Congressman Bill Hendon and attorney Elizabeth A. Stewart, An Enormous Crime brilliantly exposes the reasons why these American soldiers and airmen were held back by the North Vietnamese at Operation Homecoming in 1973 and what these men have endured since.

Barack Obama's 'lost' brother found in Kenya
The Italian edition of Vanity Fair said that it had found George Hussein Onyango Obama living in a hut in a ramshackle town of Huruma on the outskirts of Nairobi.

Fresh Fire Ministries
"Todd Bentley has had committed adultery, here is the letter from the board of Directors of that silly ministry." Kelly

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

World News Updates

Wednesday Aug 20, 2008

Political Punch
White House Accidentally E-Mails to Reporters Story That Maliki Supports Obama Iraq Withdrawal Plan.

Russia Looking to Send a Navy Fleet to Caribbean, Chavez Says
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Russia has expressed interest in sending a naval fleet to the Caribbean. He said Venezuela would welcome the visit.

America Needs New ‘Great Awakening,’ Huckabee and Evangelicals Say
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and a group of evangelical leaders called for a new “Great Awakening” spiritual revival of the American people Friday, at a press conference in Washington, D.C., to announce a Saturday rally on the National Mall.

Shroud of Turin stirs new controversy
A Colorado couple researching the shroud dispute radiocarbon dating of the alleged burial cloth of Jesus, and Oxford has agreed to help them reexamine the findings.

Over 11,000 Take Hold of 'Ticket' to Heaven
More than 11,000 people in Southern California accepted their “tickets” to Heaven over the weekend at an annual event that has helped some 298,000 people commit their life to Christ since 1990.

VIDEO - Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Tells The Truth About Georgian War
Ooops. Fox News Interviews an Ossetian-American 12-year-old girl who thanks Russian troops for saving her from Georgian aggression.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Aug 19, 2008

Deaths of 14 children 'could be linked to GlaxoSmithKline trial drug'
Authorities in Argentina are investigating whether there is a link between the deaths of 14 children and an experimental vaccine.

China confiscates Bibles from American Christians
Chinese customs officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles on Sunday from four American Christians who arrived in a southwestern city with plans to distribute them, the group's leader said.

Blackwater - Justice Dept. Moves Toward Charges Against Contractors in Iraq Shooting
Federal prosecutors have sent target letters to six Blackwater Worldwide security guards involved in a September shooting that left 17 Iraqi civilians dead, indicating a high likelihood the Justice Department will seek to indict at least some of the men, according to three sources close to the case.

North Texas school district will let teachers carry guns
A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to allow teachers and staff to pack guns for protection when classes begin later this month, a newspaper reported.

Saudi Arabia: Muslim Father Kills Daughter for Converting to Christianity
The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Saudi Arabian man cut out the tongue of his daughter and burned her to death after finding out that she had converted to Christianity.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just Saw Bottle Shock

Sunday matinée at the Sebastiani Theater here in Sonoma only costs $6. But I wanted to see it even it cost the normal $9 since a couple of the extras are friends of mine and some of the scenes were shot in Sonoma. However, I was so engrossed in the film - beautiful photography, likable characters, interesting storyline - I forgot to look for them!

But in spite of this being a 'fun 70's movie' based on truth, there was some harsh language, scenes of fornication, drug usage, as well as the pretty hippie girl lifting her shirt twice (viewers see only her back), plus another scene of her getting wet while hosing down a vat and being gawked at by a group of men. I don't go to movies much at all any more and this is why. For a Christian that follows the Lord Jesus Christ and desires to obey the Bible, willingly watching sin on the big screen is condoning it. Repentance is needed.

Galatians 5 says, "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."

n. 1. Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery.
n. 1. The state or habitual condition of feeling an excessive or morbid sexual desire.

Too critical? Nevertheless, I don't recommend this movie for the above stated reasons, but I did find the true story of interest.

Based on a true story of a Napa winery in 1976, click here to read the original Time Magazine article.

Behind the scenes.


Locations and Scenes.

A vintage film

A dad, his Fresno State grad and a winning wine are the focus of 'Bottle Shock.'

By Rick Bentley / The Fresno Bee

CALISTOGA -- Jim Barrett purchased the Chateau Montelena Winery here 36 years ago to get away from the hectic grind of his life as a lawyer in Los Angeles. He wanted the quiet life of tending vines and making wine. What he and his son, Bo, a Fresno State graduate, found was a place in wine history. Their story is at the heart of the new feature film "Bottle Shock." The movie is slowly opening across the country. It is expected to open in Fresno in late August or early September.

Jim Barrett and son, Bo

The winery owners are spending a hot July Sunday talking with reporters who have traveled to the impressive looking chateau that sits on a small hill in the Napa Valley.

"Bottle Shock" is the story of a 1976 blind taste test between California and French wines. The event was more of a gimmick, as the French knew their wine was the best. In the end, a white wine bottled at Chateau Montelena was named the winner. This was a big moment. It changed the world's perspective on wines from outside France.

In the movie, Bill Pullman plays Jim. Chris Pine plays Bo.

Though the film doesn't mention how and why the Barretts came to winemaking, there is a story of how they came to the winery. Jim needed a career change in 1972. He says he had a case of "industrial strength burnout" from being a lawyer. He decided to look into the wine business, and his trek brought him to Chateau Montelena.

"I came here one Saturday. It was in a mess," Jim, 81, says. "There was nothing here but ghosts and spiders. I am an incurable romantic, so I decided this looked like the right place to commit financial suicide."

The winery had not been used for several years. The grounds -- and the 100 acres of vines -- were in need of attention. Jim was realistic enough to know there were no guarantees. So he kept his day job as a lawyer for several years. Bo started working at the Chateau Montelena Winery as soon as he graduated from high school in 1972. He spent that summer pulling star thistle in the vineyard and picking up rocks in preparation for replanting. He didn't like it and decided he would rather study law at the University of Utah. "I was full- fledge ski bum. I actually was just working in the winery and the vineyard so I could take winters off. I was just taking any courses they offered at night. That way I would ski during the day," Bo, 54, says.

Eventually, Bo changed his mind and got interested in the winery. So in 1976, he transferred to Fresno State, where he ended up as an honors student in viticulture and enology. He also had been accepted at UC Davis, the state's other leading university for wine studies. "I decided to go to Fresno State because they had a better program for me. They let me write my own program," Bo says.

He recalls one of his Fresno State professors, Sigmund Schanderl, predicting that if Americans ever start to drink wine there would be a single, continuous vineyard from Guadalajara to Vancouver. And Bo says that is almost the case now.

And so a lawyer and his ski- bum son became winemakers. Things changed quickly. Within four years of buying the winery, they hit it big with the 1976 taste test. That made them major players in the world of wine.

Fast forward about 25 years to get to how the movie was made.

Writer Ross Schwartz heard about the Barretts though his future wife, Lannette Pabon. Schwartz has been interested in wine since the 1960s. Pabon decided to take a wine class at UCLA, and that's when she heard about the wine tasting competition.

"When she suggested it in 2001, I was not certain a bunch of snooty French people sipping and spitting would be that interesting. At one point I thought about trying to work a murder mystery into the story," Schwartz says.

He went to Napa and met the Barretts. He was still not convinced the story would make an interesting movie. Then Jim told Schwartz about "how the wine turned brown."

Oxidation causes the browning of wine. It's like an apple that will turn brown once it has been cut or bitten. Eventually the brown disappears. But the Barretts did not know that and almost quit on the wine and lost an entire season. The browning helped create drama and emotion for the story.

"Now I think I have a story," Schwartz recalls of his reaction after hearing the tale.

And the Barretts' personal stories were interesting, so Schwartz opted to make a major course correction with his script. The Barretts' winemaking troubles and the drama of the taste test helped Schwartz fashion a story.

Director Randall Miller was not initially sold on the idea when he heard about the script. His company had produced only movies written by in-house writers. Before he made his final decision, Miller traveled to the winery to meet the Barretts. He found that father and son don't always see eye-to-eye.

"They have this very loving but contentious relationship," Miller says. "We thought they were great characters in the making."

Producer Jody Savin says that while the wine tasting is an interesting story, the movie would work only if served as a backdrop for interesting characters. And nothing describes the Barretts better. They do disagree. They do love each other, too.

The Barretts were interested in seeing their story told in a movie, but they had some concerns. There was a fear about a loss of privacy. For a movie, they knew they would have to help promote it, and they would be interviewed by dozens of reporters. The winery would be used to promote the movie, maybe even host screenings and have hundreds more people than usual around. And all that has happened.

But they agreed to the movie because they realized that they already had lost some privacy because of winning the '76 competition.

"In the little world of wine we are fairly well-known," Bo says.

The lawyer in Jim comes out when he adds that his main concern was whether the filmmakers would slander the winery. Their fears went away when they met Miller. "It was obvious they were going to tell a love story of the wine business," Bo says.

--- end ---

Chateau Montelena Winery

Friday, August 15, 2008

John Todd, Former Illuminatist & Witch

John Todd

John Todd got saved in 1972 and was quite vocal about his illumanti witchcraft past which is most likely why today he is missing. Nevertheless, back then he said some things that may surprise some of you.

"THERE IS NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF WHEN IT COMES TO THE DEVIL; HE WAS DEFEATED 2,000 YEARS AGO! And that's why I'm here; he was defeated 2,000 years ago! I think the thing that made me the most mad when I got saved was that I'd served somebody since I was a child, for over 20 years, that was defeated over 2,000 years ago! And I guess the only reason why I served him was that I didn't realize who he was until I got saved, it took that enlightenment." - John Todd

WEBSITE: John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft!

John Todd a former Illuminati: (The Witchcraft of Rock & Roll) Part 1 - Posted Jun 21, 2007 (recorded in the 70's)


This audio tape speaks about the dangers of rock and roll music including "Christian rock". This is just another piece of the puzzle that explains evil in this world.

Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Explaining The Illuminati) - 34 min - Posted Jul 1, 2007


His name was John Todd, a former member of the illuminati. He warned us against their plans for world domination before he was framed and effectively discredit by the illuminati. The words that he left on his audio tapes are still coming to pass which puts lots of credibility on his claim that he was an insider. This audio tape speaks about the evil plans of the illuminati for world control. This is just another piece of the puzzle that explains what’s going on today’s world.

John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Explaining The Illuminati) PT2


Bottle Shock Email from Leslie Sheridan

Hi All ~

I've got a bit of movie fun for you this weekend! ;)

You heard it through the "grapevine" . . . Yours Truly is an extra in the film below, (along with many other locals,) and according to a friend who saw it already, I made the Paris scene in the winery ruins in which the tasting results are announced. (I also am visible in profile in the trailer (see below) on the right in the front by the tasting judges about the third row on the right, with my hair up in a French chignon.) I may have made other scenes as well, as I was also in the entrance to the Country Club where the guy played by Chris Pine screeches his truck up to the Club, as well as in the Country Club restaurant. Then again, those cuts could have made the editing room floor as well!)

For those in the Santa Rosa area, those of us who were extras in the film are going to be arriving at the Realto between 6 and 7 p.m. in 70's attire, and they have a red carpet area complete with paparazzi. Should be fun!

Have fun wherever you see it!

Cheers ~

Leslie Sheridan
Editor & Publisher, The Carpe Diem Voice


Proudly announces the theatrical release of


(filmed entirely in Sonoma and Napa)

A marvelous, beautifully made, feel-good movie that is guaranteed to revive everyones flagging faith in American pride at home and abroad. Rex Reed, New York Observer

Gives crowd-pleasers a good name Stephen Farber, Hollywood Reporter

Theres magic in it Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

Wine lovers wont just sip but guzzle this down Robert Koehler, Variety

The Perfect Summer Wine Pairing with a Movie: BOTTLE SHOCK

Based on a true story, this feel-good, smart, and entertaining movie tells the tale of the rag tag kids from the sticks at Napa Valleys Chateau Montelena who bested the French in the historic blind tasting competition in Paris, France in 1976. Starring Alan Rickman, Bill Pullman, Freddy Rodriguez, Chris Pine, Dennis Farina, Eliza Dushku and Rachael Taylor. See the movie, and uncork a bottle of chardonnay before or after. A perfect pairing.

See the trailer and learn more about the film, and check the list of theaters at

Opening in select cities on Wednesday, August 6

Opens across the country on Friday, August 15th!

Spread the word! We want everybody to see our movie! And the first weekend is critical for an independent film if box office receipts dont meet the goal, the movie gets pulled from the theatre. Lets see if we can help BOTTLE SHOCK stay in the theatres nationwide into September!


Sebastiani, Sonoma
Cinedome, Napa
Cameo, St Helena
Realto, Santa Rosa

Thursday, August 14, 2008

So Long, Longs

Longs was the last regional chain drugstore

Victoria Colliver, Chronicle Staff Writer
Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Longs era is over.

The sale of Longs Drugs Stores Corp., the 70-year-old chain based in Walnut Creek, to the East Coast's giant CVS Caremark Corp., spells the end for the last major regional chain drugstore in the country. After the transaction closes at the end of the year, CVS will slowly start converting the stores, and the Longs name will fade into retail history.

We've seen it before: Emporium Capwell. Thrifty Payless. Joseph Magnin and I. Magnin. But that doesn't necessarily salve the frustration of consumers, who bemoan the loss of their neighborhood drug store, or the 22,000 Longs employees who face an uncertain future.

CVS officials say they have no plans to close stores, particularly in Northern and Central California, where the Rhode Island chain has virtually no presence. And, they say CVS intends to retain as many employees as possible and continue Longs' tradition of catering to regional tastes in some locations.

But some Longs customers remain loyal. "Longs is the type of store in summer that's going to carry 50 different types of sun hats and have a garden department. I would go to Longs to buy gifts because they had a lot of neat stuff," said Kent Carthey, 65, of Pleasanton. "I don't think I'd go to CVS for that."

Longs, with its 521 stores in California, Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona making $5 billion in annual sales, has for years been considered a takeover target by a larger player like CVS. CVS posted sales of $85 billion, and the acquisition will make it the largest chain in country, with 6,800 stores in 41 states.

The Longs name will be retained only in Hawaii because of its high name recognition and the geographical separation.

"We love this company, but we believe to continue to provide the service and care our customers expect from Longs and continue to provide great career opportunities for our people and earn our shareholder return, this was the best course of action," Longs' chief executive, Warren Bryant, said Wednesday. "It was necessary to merge with a national player because increasingly we compete with national players."

Chain set back on course
Bryant took the helm of Longs in 2002, when the chain's profits were tumbling, and set it back on course by refocusing its merchandising on health, beauty and pharmaceutical products rather than the expansive array available in many stores. Bryant said some stores still provide customized offerings, such as Portuguese products in Turlock (Stanislaus County).

Bryant, whose future with the company is uncertain, said CVS has assured him it intends to retain as many employees as possible. Longs employs 21,000 store workers, and about 900 people work in the Walnut Creek headquarters. "We really worked hard to join with a company that has (the) same commitment to the community and its employees that Longs has," he said.

Longs pharmacy customers will be able to pick up their prescriptions at CVS stores once the transition takes place, both companies said.

Walgreens commands the greatest pharmacy market share in the Bay Area metropolitan area, which includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Mateo and San Francisco counties. According to Metro Market Studies, an Arizona firm that tracks drugstore market share, Walgreens has 38.1 percent of the region's market share, with 121 stores, but Longs comes in second at 28.3 percent and 83 stores. Rite Aid's 46 stores make up 10.6 percent of market, followed by Safeway and other players such as Target, Costco and independent pharmacies.

Independent pharmacies were not overly concerned about being pushed out of business, since CVS is taking over locations previously occupied by a major chain. But officials from groups representing independent pharmacies say their biggest fear centers on drug reimbursements.

CVS last year acquired Caremark, one of the three largest pharmacy benefits managers in the country. The little-known entities, called PBMs, are third-party players that negotiate with drugmakers for prices on behalf of employers, insurers and other purchasers.

Independents worry large PBMs will have so much control over prices and terms they will dictate how much the smaller stores get paid for drugs. "As the market gets more dominated by CVS and Caremark ... the independent pharmacies are really on the outside looking in with no leverage whatsoever," said John Norton, spokesman for National Community Pharmacists Association.

As part of the purchase, CVS will also acquire Longs' PBM, RxAmerica.

CVS will also have to contend with a cultural difference between Longs and its other stores. At CVS' East Coast locations, 70 percent of store revenue comes from pharmacy sales while just 30 percent come from other retail products. At Longs stores, it's a 50-50 split.

CVS owns 3% of stores
CVS spokesman Mike DeAngelis said CVS owns just 3 percent of its stores, while Longs owns nearly half. He said CVS over time might convert the stores to leasing arrangements, but intends to continue operating in those locations.

Such assurances don't assuage customers who like the garden center at the oversize 51st Street Longs in Oakland, or Rossmoor residents who go to the Walnut Creek store because it caters to their needs.

Native Californian Chris Harrison lived for two years in the mid '90s in Washington, D.C., where CVS dominates the drugstore scene. She said she'll miss Longs, and already feels nostalgic about ritual trips to the store with her mother.

"I have long-standing brand loyalty to Longs," said Harrison, 39, of Mill Valley. "It's not that I wouldn't shop at CVS but, given the choice, I'd go to Longs."

Longs Drug Stores
Original name: Longs Self Service Drugs

First location: 4037 Piedmont Ave., Oakland (1938)

Company slogans: "Longs - Where Everybody Saves" (1938); "Take the Longs Way Home" (1970s and '80s); "The Best Drug Store in Town" (1990s); "Live Healthy. Live Happy. Live Longs" (current, since 2001)

Quote from founder Joe Longs: "We go through this life but once. If there's anything we can do, or help we can give, let us do it now, because we may not pass this way again."

Source: Longs Drug Stores Corp.
70 years of Longs
1938: Brothers Joe and Tom Longs open first store on May 12 on Oakland's Piedmont Avenue.

1954: Longs opens its first store in Hawaii, on March 29 in Honolulu.

1971: Longs shares become listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the same year the company reports sales of $169 million from its 54 stores.

1980: Longs enters Nevada.

1982: Sales from its 162 stores exceed the $1 billion mark.

1993: Longs spends $23.9 million to acquire Bill's Drugs, a 20-store chain concentrated in Northern California.

1996: Longs forms Integrated Health Concepts, a pharmacy benefit management company.

1997: Longs and American Drug Stores Inc. (parent company of Albertson's) merge pharmacy benefit managers to create RxAmerica.

1999: Longs pays $150 million to buy 32 Rite Aid stores in California.

2003: Longs initiates first full-scale store remodel.

2007: In February, Longs announces plans to close 30 stores.

2008: Longs purchased by CVS Caremark Corp. for $2.9 billion. Deal announced Aug. 12.

Source: Longs Drug Stores

World News Updates

The Georgia Baptist Missions and Ministry Center of the Georgia Baptist Convention will be the site of the next advanced screen for the upcoming film based on the life of internationally renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Last year, when a woman in Berryville, Arkansas went into the hospital to deliver her baby by Cesarean section, she did not request or authorize her doctor to also perform a tubal ligation. But that minor detail didn't stop Dr. Shirolyn Ruth Moffett from doing just that. Dr. Moffett claims that she surgically ensured that this woman would never have another child because she feared that the patient's uterus would burst if she ever got pregnant again.

Years after the anthrax attacks were aimed at Democratic senators who were necessary to pass the "spy on Americans," cynically named "Patriot Act," suddenly the latest "prime suspect" commits suicide without leaving a note or anything, but then the FBI makes claims about how they "got their man" after how many seasons of incompetence in their investigation had passed?

The Homeland Security Department swept aside evaluations of government experts and named Mississippi - home to powerful U.S. lawmakers with sway over the agency - as a top location for a new $451 million, national laboratory to study some of the world's most virulent biological threats, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press.

Today the New York Times reports that Russia is escalating its war with Georgia, “moving tanks and troops through the separatist enclave of South Ossetia and advancing toward the city of Gori in central Georgia” and even bombing parts of Tibilisi, the Georgian captial.

The Georgian security council says it has filed a lawsuit in the International Court of Justice for alleged ethnic cleansing.

Helena-West Helena Mayor James Valley says he ordered a round-the-clock curfew and heavy police patrol in a ten-block section of town because the neighborhood was "under siege with repeated gunfire, loitering, drug dealing and other general mayhem."

Evangelist Todd Bentley, who led a Pentecostal revival in Lakeland from a modest beginning to near-historic proportions, has filed for separation from his wife, a former spokesperson said Monday, and will not return to the ongoing revival.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago will pay $12.7 million to settle lawsuits brought by clergy sex-abuse victims, including boys molested by Daniel McCormack, a former priest on the West Side, church officials said Tuesday.

Weeks after news broke of the upcoming PBS program “The Bible’s Buried Secrets,” the trailer for the two-hour television special made its YouTube debut Sunday, adding more fuel to a controversy that has already generated a flurry of intense and sometimes heated debates.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday Aug 12, 2008

Blackwater Makes Rifles!
Don't know what to get your significant other for Christmas? How about a Blackwater rifle? In an e-mail message circulated this week, private security contractor Blackwater USA announced its latest foray into the world of weapons manufacturing:

Why beaming messages to aliens in space could destroy our planet
Thanks to the foolish antics of a downmarket TV company and a website favoured by self-obsessed teenagers, planet Earth could be in for a nasty shock towards the end of this century.

Fifth Annual National Preparedness Month Coming in September:
The US Department of Homeland Security announced in July that more than 1200 national, regional, state and local businesses and organizations -- including several Amateur Radio groups --......

Russians seek wisdom, powers, peace of the mysterious pyramid
You can see it from miles away, looming over the birch forests and wildflower fields and construction sites crammed with future dachas for Russia's rich and ruthless.

UFO sightings in UK this year reach 150
So far this year 150 apparent 'flying saucers' have been reported to police, military bases and the Ministry of Defence, compared to just 135 for the whole of 2007, and 97 the year before.

Attorney: 'DC Madam' left instructions if 'ever found dead of apparent suicide' By Lori Price
Exclusive: Citizens For Legitimate Government has learned that Deborah Jeane Palfrey's lawyer, Montgomery Blair Sibley, has intervened to stop a lawsuit seeking to prevent the Tarpon Springs, Florida, Police Department from releasing information requested by Sibley pertaining to the investigation of Jeane's death.

Did U.S., Israel Provocateur S. Ossetia Conflict? Does the Sun Come Up in the Morning?
Dead civilians in South Ossetia. But you will not hear much about it on CNN or Faux News. Because they are too busy reporting ad nauseam about the extramarital shenanigans of CFR darling John Edwards.

Science close to unveiling invisible man
Invisibility devices, long the realm of science fiction and fantasy, have moved closer after scientists engineered a material that can bend visible light around objects.

Monday, August 11, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Aug 11, 2008

Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran
Operation Brimstone ended only one week ago. This was the joint US/UK/French naval war games in the Atlantic Ocean preparing for a naval blockade of Iran and the likely resulting war in the Persian Gulf area. The massive war games included a US Navy supercarrier battle group, an US Navy expeditionary carrier battle group, a Royal Navy carrier battle group, a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine plus a large number of US Navy cruisers, destroyers and frigates playing the "enemy force".

2 US aircraft carriers headed for Gulf'
Two additional United States naval aircraft carriers are heading to the Gulf and the Red Sea, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Kuwait Times.

Did McCain ad intend to link Obama to Antichrist?
They call him "The One." - That's the spin from a Web ad launched Aug. 1 by the McCain campaign which some biblical scholars and Democrats say contains a hidden message linking Sen. Barack Obama to the antichrist.

An Antichrist Obama in McCain Ad?
It's not easy to make the infamous Willie Horton ad from the 1988 presidential campaign seem benign. But suggesting that Barack Obama is the Antichrist might just do it.

Video: Is USA behind Georgia-Russia War?
Check out "Operation Immediate response" for proof enough of USA complicity. Take a look and make your own mind up! This seems a Cold War return over Oil, always Oil. Cuts the Russians off from Iran as well. This is interesting as Russia had an alliance, although much under reported that they would help Iran if they were attacked.

Video: Outrage over cops violating civil rights of an American. A Mayor! You're next!
"This is why we have the right to bear arms.The right to keep and bear arms, RKBA, or right to bear arms is the concept that people, individually or collectively, have a right to weapons."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Project Blue Beam Revisited

Something I have been re-reading about today is NASA's Project Blue Beam which includes a fake rapture (link).

"We must remember that the new age RELIGION is the very foundation for the new world government. Without the Luciferian global religion the antichrist dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. That is why the Project Blue Beam is so important to the antichrist Luciferians and has been so well hidden." From Project blue beam


True? There is a A LOT of disinfo out 'there' to mislead and deceive so what is the truth? We must have discernment and the mind of Christ.

In any case, we always need to come back to Scripture to find the peace of God in the midst of it all!


Philippians 4

6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

"Don't Talk to the Police" by Law Professor James Duane

James Duane explains why innocent people should never talk to the police.


Friday, August 8, 2008

World News Updates

Friday Aug 08, 2008

FBI said to have stalked Ivins' family
Before killing himself last week, Army scientist Bruce Ivins told friends that government agents had stalked him and his family for months, offered his son $2.5 million to rat him out and tried to turn his hospitalized daughter against him with photographs of dead anthrax victims.

The all seeing eye in movies - Dajjal/Antichrist Part 1-
Also See The Part 2 - Also See The FINAL PART - There are many books and Hadiser which say that Dajjal is ONE EYE evil person that will emerge in the end of times, He will decieve many people, almost every body that he is the Messia then later he will proclaim that he is God.

VIDEO - America the Deist Nation
America was not founded as a Christian nation.

Antichrist rehearsal added to Obama list of sins by far U.S. right
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has had to fend off all sorts of spurious Internet rumours suggesting he is a closet Muslim and even linking him to the Ku Klux Klan.

The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today
On the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, John Pilger describes the 'progression of lies' from the dust of that detonated city, to the wars of today - and the threatened attack on Iran.

Stellar Cast To 'Milk' Gay Rights
In case you've forgotten, Milk was the first openly gay city supervisor of San Francisco. He was assassinated, along with Mayor George Moscone, in 1978, becoming a martyr to the cause against sexual discrimination. The 1984 documentary "The Times of Harvey Milk" won an Academy Award and was then made into an opera. But this is the feature film, and what a cast!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

World News Updates

Thursday Aug 07, 2008

Bush: China must end detentions, ensure freedoms
The same day of his arrival in Beijing for the Olympics, President Bush is carrying a message of "deep concerns" about the state of human rights in China and urging the communist nation to allow political freedoms for its citizens.

U.S. approves 6 flu vaccines for next season
U.S. health regulators have approved six versions of the influenza vaccine to help combat the virus during the 2008-2009 flu season later this year.

Lynching Advocate Toby Keith: Obama Acts White To Win
Last week, I reported for the Huffington Post that country singer Toby Keith had performed a pro-lynching anthem on the Colbert Report, and would be playing the same song soon on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and a slew of nationally televised talk shows.

Among the Intellectualoids - False Messiah
I hadn't heard gushing like this since the Flood of '92 was lapping at my second-story windows. Only this time the gusher was not the Mighty Mississippi, but someone nearly as wide, i.e., the film director Rob Reiner (Misery, When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men) in an interview with the Politico. Asked how things might be different when Obama wins the presidency, Reiner gushed:

Bush Ordered Fake Letter Linking Iraq To 9/11
A blockbuster new book from investigative journalist Ron Suskind adds another revelation to the growing canon demonstrating the lengths to which President Bush and members of his administration lied, misled and deceived the American people to pursue its invasion of Iraq.

Pentagon to test unclassified alternative to Talon
The Pentagon, which closed its Talon intelligence database nearly a year ago amid concerns about domestic spying, will soon begin testing an unclassified alternative for tracking possible threats to U.S. military bases, officials said on Tuesday.

VIDEO - Hundreds Turn Out to Back Science Teacher Fired for Keeping Bible on His Desk
"All I want to do is put my personal Bible on my desk."

VIDEO - UC Santa Cruz Biologist Fire Bombed - ALF
Local News Coverage from Santa Cruz regarding the cowardly ALF attacks on UC Santa Cruz Professor's home and family. - "A University of California-Santa Cruz biologist whose home was firebombed this weekend feared for his family's future yesterday while a spokesman for a radical animal rights group said the attacks were the consequences for performing research on animals."

Is HPV Vaccine to Blame for a Teen's Paralysis?
About a month after being vaccinated against the cervical cancer-causing HPV virus, 13-year-old Jenny Tetlock missed the lowest hurdle in gym class, the first hint of the degenerative muscle disease that, 15 months later, has left the previously healthy teenager nearly completely paralyzed. Did the vaccine, Gardasil, cause her condition? Her father, Philip Tetlock, a psychology professor at UC-Berkeley's Haas School of Business, has embarked on an odyssey to find out whether the vaccine or random coincidence is to blame.

PDF File Link
Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records - Judicial
Detailing the Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns and Marketing Practices of Large-Scale Public Health Experiment

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

World News Updates

Wednesday Aug 06, 2008

Full Text of the FBI Report "Project Megiddo"
The attached analysis, entitled PROJECT MEGIDDO, is an FBI strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the United States undertaken in anticipation of or response to the arrival of the new millennium.

Identity Cards - A profile of leaders in the Christian Identity movement
Dave Barley rose to prominence in the Christian Identity movement because of a legacy: he inherited the thriving ministry of his father-in-law, the late Sheldon Emry. Emry, who created the America's Promise Ministries in Phoenix and expanded its reach by buying air time on 30 radio stations nationwide, died in 1985. Barley took over the ministry in 1988 and moved it to Sandpoint, Idaho, an area where white supremacists flourish.

Christian identity and the Christian patriot movement - By Don Koenig
There has been a great sucking sound coming from some people who say they are Christians. The sound is that of their brains being sucked out of their heads and then being replaced with the hot air of illogical rhetoric. The brain suckers are those that are making a living on the fears of those who correctly see we are near the last days but have little faith in God. Christian patriots are led to think that they are going to fight the Beast of Revelation from the backwoods of America.

100 Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - The Master List
“While some of these deaths may be purely coincidental and seem to pose no connection, many of these deaths are highly suspicious and appear not to be random acts of violence. Many are just plain murders.

Knights Templar heirs in legal battle with the Pope
The heirs of the Knights Templar have launched a legal battle in Spain to force the Pope to restore the reputation of the disgraced order which was accused of heresy and dissolved seven centuries ago.

Anthrax suspect's colleague 'really, really' doubts his guilt
In the wake of the apparent suicide of government scientist Bruce Ivins, the FBI is preparing to declare the anthrax case closed, even though, as the New York Times reports, the evidence against Ivins was largely circumstantial.

Ron Paul Big Announcement
The Campaign for Liberty will be the largest organization for peace, freedom, the Constitution, and sound money in American history. It will launch in grand fashion with lots of special guests and - if the early television and print inquiries we've received are any indication - plenty of media attention.

Archaeologists unearth proof of plot to kill Prophet Jeremiah
Israeli archaeologists have unearthed a seal impression belonging to a minister of the biblical King Zedekiah, which dates back 2,600 years, during an archeological dig in Jerusalem's ancient City of David. The finding helps corroborate the story pertaining to the biblical minister's demand to have the prophet Jeremiah killed.

McCain: U.S. Neighborhoods Need Iraq-style “Surge”
Appearing before the Urban League this week, John McCain revealed his plan for imposing a military dictatorship in “high crime neighborhoods” in the United States. An ABC News “blog” provides all the details necessary to send a chill up our spines:

Concerned Roman Catholics Call on Knights of Columbus to Expel Pro-Abortion Politicians
Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA) condemn the Knights of Columbus for their continuing failure to expel pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians. The K of C meet in the Hilton Quebec Hotel and in the Quebec City Convention Centre from August 5-7 for their annual Supreme Convention.

Monday, August 4, 2008

World News Updates

Monday Aug 04, 08

Bush Unveils Spy Guidelines, Angering House Overseers
The Bush administration unveiled new operating guidelines for the nation's intelligence community yesterday in a move that boosted the authority of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) while triggering protests from lawmakers who complained that they weren't properly consulted.

Air Force Officer Dead; Likely a Suicide ("Another One - Kelly")
The Air Force's bad year just got a whole lot worse. A general who spent nearly two years as the executive officer to the recently ousted Air force chief of staff has died in an apparent suicide at his home in Alaska....

Medjugorje "work of the devil": Ex Vatican exorcist
Former Vatican exorcist Bishop Andrea Gemma has denounced alleged visions of Our Lady in the Bosnian town of Medjugorje as the "work of the devil" and a "diabolical deceit".

EXCLUSIVE: To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them»
Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran.

Scahill: Blackwater now in the private intelligence business
Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, is worried about the giant mercenary firm's latest foray into private intelligence. "They're marketing their services to not only foreign governments, but to Fortune 500 corporations," he recently told an interviewer.

Lab and Community Make for Uneasy Neighbors
Across the street from the razor wire guarding Fort Detrick, the people living along Military Road would see the strange cars and SUVs with the tinted glass come and go like clockwork.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Another Tasered Victim; this time a 75 yr old

Could not a policeman restrain this troubled woman without a using a taser? Then she falls and cuts her head bad enough to need hospital care? Ridiculous!

Suicidal woman, 75, hit with Taser

Press Democrat
Published: Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 7:48 a.m.

A 75-year-old woman was Tasered by Rohnert Park police in the department's lobby Friday after she walked in the main doors and threatened to kill herself.

The Rohnert Park woman, who was distraught and crying, pulled a 5½-inch stainless-steel knife from a bag she was carrying, Lt. Jeff Taylor said.

"She was saying she wanted to die and started making stabbing motions toward herself. In order to stop her from using the knife, the Taser was deployed," Taylor said.

The woman, who was not identified, fell and cut her head. She was transported by ambulance to a local hospital and placed on a 24-hour psychiatric hold, officials said.

-- Laura Norton



Saturday, August 2, 2008

World News Updates

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pushing Prescriptions - A Record Year for the Pharmaceutical Lobby in '07 - Washington's largest lobby racks up another banner year on Capitol Hill. Washington's largest lobby, the pharmaceutical industry, racked up another banner year on Capitol Hill in 2007, backed by a record $168 million lobbying effort, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of federal lobbying data. Among the industry's successes: getting two controversial laws extended and thwarting congressional efforts to restrict media ads for prescription drugs.

The animal has a simian jaw, bulging forehead, small snout and eyes that are so close together that they appear almost attached.

John Fowler Looks At Growing Trend Of Meteorological Manipulation

A Florida woman who has been married to both the former head of the Ku Klux Klan and the creator of a notorious white supremacist Web site is working as a spokeswoman for a school that aims to lift underprivileged black and Hispanic children out of poverty.

A leading Anglican bishop has condemned conservatives as "demonic" for using his church as a punch bag.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Rick DeGeorgis, 47, Killed in Tragic Car Accident

August 5, 2008 UPDATE

Sonoma Index Tribune

Rick Allen DeGeorgis, 47, went to be with his heavenly father on July 31, 2008, in Sonoma.

Rick is survived by his loving wife, Shelley; his son, Brennan; and his daughters, Sheala, Kylie and Rikki Lynn, all whom he loved deeply. He is also survived by his loving parents, Joe and Ginger Woidtke and Richard DeGeorgis; his sister, Tami Alexander; nieces, nephews; and other family members, all of whom loved him. Rick was born in Richmond in 1960 and moved to Sonoma in 1966.

He graduated from Sonoma Valley High School in 1978. He went on to open his own successful sheet rocking business in Sonoma. One of Rick's great joys was golf as well as riding his motorcycle. Rick will be missed by all who knew him.

Friends are invited to attend a celebration of his life at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug 7, 2008, at the Faith Lutheran Church, 19355 Arnold Drive, Sonoma.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Private inurnment.

Inquiries can be made to Duggan's Mission Chapel.

August 2, 2009 UPDATE

Obituary for Rick Allen DeGeorgis

DeGEORGIS, Rick Allen
Nov. 11, 1960-July 31, 2008
On July 31, 2008, Rick went to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Rick is survived by his loving wife Shelley, his devoted son Brennan and his loving daughter (Rikki). He is also survived by his first wife Lisa Bernabovi; his loving parents (Joe and Ginger Woidtke and Richard DeGeorgis); by his step-daughters Sheala and Kylie, whom he loved deeply. He was devoted to his sister Tami Alexander (Rocky); niece and nephew, Ashley and Justin; numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Rick was a well-known sheetrock contractor and belonged to the Builder Exchange. Rick was born in Richmond. He moved to Sonoma in 1966 and attended schools in Sonoma. He played Little League Baseball and other sports throughout his school years, which included bull riding. He was an avid golfer. Rick will be missed by all who knew him.
Services are pending at Duggan's Mission Chapel, 525-W. Napa St., Sonoma.

Sign Guest Book

Published in the Press Democrat on 8/2/2008

--- end ---

Man killed in Stage Gulch Road wreck

Sonoma Index Tribune
Published: Fri 8/1/2008

A 47-year-old Sonoma man was killed Thursday afternoon in wreck on Stage Gulch Road, and the driver of the car he was riding in has been charged with vehicular homicide and driving under the influence.

According to the CHP, at 5:35 p.m., a 1969 GTO driven by Curtis Kapple, 46, of Sonoma, was eastbound on Stage Gulch Road just west of Watmaugh Road at approximately 70 miles an hour. Kapple came up quickly on a car driven by Philip Dennie, 61, of Sonoma, and sped up to pass Dennie's car. The CHP said that while attempting to pass, Kapple pulled over into the westbound lanes across a double yellow line. Seeing traffic coming his way, Kapple made a quick turn to get back into his lane.

The right-hand side of Kapple's vehicle struck the left-hand side of Dennie's vehicle. Kapple then lost control and he hit a guard rail on the south side of the highway. Kapple veered off the road and came to a stop on the shoulder. The CHP said that as the result of hitting the guard rail, the passenger in Kapple's car, 47-year-old Rick Allen DeGeorgis, of Sonoma, suffered fatal injuries.

Kapple suffered minor injuries and was transported to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital where he was treated. Dennie wasn't injured in the incident.

The CHP charged Kapple with vehicular homicide and driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage.

--- end ---

OTHER ARTICLES Driver arrested in connection with fatal crash

Sonoma Sun Sonoma man arrested in fatal DUI

--- end ---

DUI suspected in fatal Sonoma crash

Published: Friday, August 1, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.


A man killed in a high-speed crash near Sonoma on Thursday has been identified as Rick DeGeorgis, 47, a Sonoma resident.

DeGeorgis was a passenger in a car driven by Curtis Kapple, 46, also a Sonoma resident, who was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter and drunken driving, according the the California Highway Patrol.

Highway 116 was closed for three hours after the 6:05 p.m. crash as officers investigated the crash, said CHP Officer Jaret Paulson.

Kapple was driving a 1969 Pontiac GTO that was traveling at about 70 mph on Highway 116 near Watmaugh Road at 6:05 p.m. when he attempted to pass another car across a double yellow line, the CHP said.

The CHP said that Kapple swerved back into his own lane to avoid on-coming traffic and hit the side of the car he was passing, which was being driven by Philip Dennie of Sonoma.

The CHP said Kapple’s car then hit the guard rail and came to a stop on the dirt shoulder of the road.

DeGeorgis suffered fatal injuries in the impact with the guard rail and was pronounced dead at the scene, the CHP said.

Kapple was treated at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital and released. He was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Dennie was not injured, the CHP said.

-- - end ---

DUI suspected in fatal Sonoma crash

Published: Friday, August 1, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.


The driver of a speeding car which crashed Thursday near Sonoma, fatally injuring a passenger, has been arrested for suspicion of manslaughter and drunken driving, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The man who died was 47 years old and from Sonoma. His identify is being withheld pending notification of the next of kin, according to the CHP.

Curtis Kapple, 46, of Sonoma, was the driver of a car that was traveling at about 70 mph on Highway 116 near Watmaugh Road at 6:05 p.m. when he attempted to pass another car across a double yellow line, the CHP said.

The CHP said that Kapple swerved back into his own lane to avoid on-coming traffic and hit the side of the car he was passing, which was being driven by Philip Dennie of Sonoma.

The CHP said Kapple’s car then hit the guard rail and came to a stop on the dirt shoulder of the road.

The passenger in the front seat was killed by the impact with the guard rail, the CHP said.

Kapple was treated at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital and released. He was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Dennie was not injured, the CHP said.

--- end ---

Original Article


1 killed when car hits railing

Published: Friday, August 1, 2008 at 4:30 a.m. Last Modified: Friday, August 1, 2008 at 3:44 a.m.


A person in a car traveling westbound on Watmaugh Road toward Highway 116 was killed when the car slammed into a guardrail shortly after 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

Traffic was rerouted around the crash site, southwest of Sonoma, for more than two hours, said CHP officer Ralph Caggiano.

Caggiano, based at the CHP's Oakland transportation management center, had few details of the accident, which remains under investigation.

There was no available information on the victim or if there were more than one person in the car.

-- Mike McCoy