Monday, July 14, 2008

World News Updates

Monday July 14, 08

Ex-Traffic Cop Says He's Jesus
Deep in the heart of Siberia's birch forests lies one of the largest and most remote religious communes of the planet. More than 5,000 people have left their families and their homes to move here and join the Church of the Last Testament, which has more than 10,000 followers worldwide.

Bush applauds passage of telecom immunity, signs bill
The Senate gave President Bush what he wanted Wednesday, sending him a bill expanding his surveillance authority and granting legal amnesty to telecommunications companies that facilitated his warrantless surveillance program.

Gardasil vaccine causing cervical cancer in women
Gardasil, a vaccine that has been designed for the prevention of cervical cancer, has come under scrutiny amidst a large number of complaints against it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the FDA approved this vaccine two years ago and since then, there has been 7,802 reports of adverse effects due to the vaccine.

Privacy protections disappear with a judge's order
Credit card companies know what you've bought. Phone companies know whom you've called. Electronic toll services know where you've gone. Internet search companies know what you've sought.

Bishop 'ready to defect to Rome'
An Anglican bishop has said he is prepared to convert to Roman Catholicism after the General Synod voted to allow women bishops.

Could HPV Vaccine Lead to Paralysis?
Jenny was a healthy 13-year-old living in Northern California -- until 15 months ago when, her parents say, she received the third and final shot of the vaccine designed to protect against human papillomavirus (HPV).

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