Tuesday, July 1, 2008

World News Updates

Tuesday July 01, 2008

Engineering A Global Food Crisis: The Hardship Will Be Widespread
Home gardens throughout the UK have been destroyed. Leaves on tomato plants are curling and potatoes are deformed, carrots, peas, lettuce all deemed inedible and the timing couldn't't be worse. Last week it was being reported that people were stealing vegetables right from their neighbors garden because of the increase of food prices.

Video: War camp kids chant 'Ooh, aah, ooh, aah, I want to kill somebody.'
Climbing ropes and crawling in the mud under barbed wire, dozens of American high school kids at an unusual summer camp vied to see who could get most dirty as they tackled an Army obstacle course.

Japan: Filling the God Vacuum
Christianity in Japan has faced an uphill battle for hundreds of years. Religious freedom didn't come to the island nation until around the time of America's civil war.

US Takes Steps to Prepare for Potential Nuclear Attack
The United States has begun preparing for the possibility that a terrorist could detonate a nuclear device in a major American city. U.S. officials appeared before a Senate panel Thursday to discuss the effort. VOA's Deborah Tate reports from Capitol Hill.

A quarter of adults to face 'anti-paedophile' tests
The launch of a new Government agency will see 11.3million people vetted for any criminal past before they are approved to have contact with children aged under 16.

China quake death toll rises to 69,195
The death toll of China's massive earthquake increased by seven to 69,195 as of Sunday noon, the State Council Information Office said in a statement.

Mysterious Bee Disorder Could Sting at the Supermarket
Honeybees are vanishing at alarming rates across the United States and researchers are struggling to pinpoint the exact cause of the decline, experts told a Congressional panel Thursday.

UN warns attack on Iran will spark 'fireball' in Middle East
Mohamed ElBaradei said unilateral military action, which has not been ruled out by Israel or the US, would push the Islamic republic into a "crash course" of developing nuclear weapons and threatened to resign if an attack took place.

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