Monday, June 30, 2008

World News Updates

Monday June 30, 2008

Texas high court rules exorcism protected by law
The Texas Supreme Court on Friday threw out a jury award over injuries a 17-year-old girl suffered in an exorcism conducted by members of her old church, ruling that the case unconstitutionally entangled the court in religious matters.

Mexico bans Arkansas poultry for now on bird flu
Mexico will ban all imports of poultry and poultry products from Arkansas after a small flock in that U.S. state had been exposed to a mild form of bird flu, the agriculture ministry said on Wednesday.

Whistleblower: FISA ‘compromise’ advances police state agenda
Retired AT&T engineer Mark Klein has condemned the Senate’s Wednesday cloture vote on the FISA Amendments Act of 2008.

Abortion foes win in S.D. case
A federal appeals court ruled that South Dakota can begin enforcing a law that requires doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the procedure ends a human life.

Military official: Iran digging 320,000 graves for invaders
A senior Iranian military official said on Sunday the Islamic republic is digging some 320,000 graves in its border provinces for future slain invaders, Iran's English-language satellite channel Press TV reported.

Homosexuals march on Jerusalem
Christian Zionist Jim Hutchens says the recent homosexual pride parade in Jerusalem merely contributed to the moral climate that will bring about the besieging of Jerusalem foretold by prophets of the Bible.

Presbyterian Assembly votes to drop homosexual clergy ban
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), bitterly divided over sexuality and the Bible, set up another confrontation Friday over its ban on ordaining non-celibate gays and lesbians.

Preparing the Battlefield The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran.
Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources.

UK Adults Face Anti-Pedophile Tests
A quarter of the adult population faces an "anti-paedophile" test in an escalation of child protection policies, according to a report.

You could be Professor X in 2010 with this Wii
Ever imagine having abilities like Professor X from the X-Men? Some envision at a day when a mind-control device will come one the market, and it'll take the shape of a Nintendo Wii console.

Gay parade marches through capital
Despite a backdrop of counterprotests and memories of the violence of years past, rainbow-colored flags and a crowd of a few thousand people made their way through the central streets of Jerusalem on Thursday as the annual Gay Pride Parade went off without a hitch.

Dallas Abortion Facilities Close after 18 Years of Prayer
In what pro-life advocates have described as nothing other than the miraculous work of God, a series of abortion clinics throughout Dallas have closed down after a prominent bishop began leading prayers for their closure 18 years ago.

Spanish parliament to extend rights to apes
Spain's parliament voiced its support on Wednesday for the rights of great apes to life and freedom in what will apparently be the first time any national legislature has called for such rights for non-humans.

Neopaganism growing quickly
Give them that old-time religion — ancient religion — and then watch an exploding population of modern pagans give it contemporary twists.

Manly Hall, mystical Los Angeles' high priest
"Master of the Mysteries" explores L.A.'s obsession with the occult.

Global warming could increase terrorism, official says
Global warming could destabilize "struggling and poor" countries around the world, prompting mass migrations and creating breeding grounds for terrorists, the chairman of the National Intelligence Council told Congress on Wednesday.

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