Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dentist Shoots Wife In Self Defense, So We Are Told

How 'convenient for us' that the police and news media have decided the dentist is innocent and the wife is guilty.

Dentist shoots wife in self-defense, police say

A Lake County dentist acted in self-defense this weekend when he shot and critically wounded his estranged wife, who was coming at him with a pickax, according to the Lake County Sheriff's Department.

Santa Rosa Press Democrat, CA

Chief Deputy Sheriff James Bauman said Dr. Don Johnson, who operates Willow Tree Dental in Lakeport, does not face charges following the shooting of his wife, Margaret Johnson, during an incident at his Kelseyville home late Friday. He said Margaret Johnson was wounded by a single gunshot to her neck and was in stable, but critical, condition at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.

Bauman said Margaret Johnson was served with a restraining order Friday afternoon, a court order he said Don Johnson had sought "as a result of ongoing troubles with their relationship." He said Johnson's wife had left their Kelseyville home as a result of that order.

However, about 9:40 p.m. Friday, deputies responded to the home, where they found Margaret Johnson lying wounded on the floor.

Don Johnson told investigators that after he had gone to bed, he heard a woman screaming outside the home. He said he reached for a handgun and was calling the Sheriff's Department when he heard the sound of glass breaking at the rear of the house. He said that when investigating the sounds, he saw his wife entering the house armed with a pickax.

He told investigators he fired one shot, she fell to the floor and he returned to the telephone to complete his call to deputies.

"Based on evidence that Dr. Johnson acted in defense of his own life, he was not taken into custody," Bauman said. "Criminal charges against Margaret Johnson are pending further investigation of this


-- Bleys W. Rose

--- end ---

Man shoots estranged wife in self-defense

Lake County News
Written by Elizabeth Larson
Saturday, 03 May 2008


KELSEYVILLE – A woman was hospitalized Friday night after authorities say her estranged husband shot her in self-defense as she was breaking into their home carrying a pick ax.

Margaret Johnson, 56, is reported to be in stable but critical condition at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, Chief Deputy James Bauman of the Lake County Sheriff's Office reported Saturday.

Bauman said sheriff's deputies and the Kelseyville Fire District responded to the report of a shooting at the home of 75-year-old Dr. Don Johnson on Highway 29 at about 9:40 p.m. Friday night.

Arriving on scene, the deputies and emergency personnel found Margaret Johnson had been wounded by a single gunshot to the neck, according to Bauman. She was transported from the scene by ambulance and later flown to Santa Rosa for medical treatment.

On Friday afternoon, Margaret Johnson had reportedly been served with a restraining order by her husband, which he told deputies was the result of their ongoing marital troubles, Bauman reported.

The restraining order, Bauman added, had required that Margaret Johnson vacate the residence Friday.

Don Johnson – a dentist with a Lakeport practice – told deputies that he had already gone to bed for the night when, at some point after 9 p.m., a woman screaming outside of the house awakened him, said Bauman.

Bauman said Johnson told officials he took his handgun – which he kept near the bed – and began placing a call to the sheriff's office when he heard the sound of glass breaking near the back door.

Johnson then dropped the phone, according to Bauman's report, and went to the back of the house, where he saw his wife allegedly entering the house carrying a pick ax.

He then fired one shot, striking Margaret Johnson in the neck. Bauman said she fell to the floor into the broken glass from forced entry, and Don Johnson ran back to call 911.

Bauman said sheriff's detectives were called to the scene to assist in conducting a preliminary investigation.

Based on the evidence at the scene, which pointed to Don Johnson acting in defense of his life, deputies did not take him into custody, said Bauman.

Margaret Johnson, however, could face criminal charges, which are pending based on the investigation's outcome, Bauman reported.

E-mail Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .


  1. Cathy, After getting a restraining order against her, Margaret smashed the back window of their house, and charged after Don with a pickax.

    What makes you think that this wasn't self defense? I'm curious as to why you immediately take a knee-jerk stance against the police and the media?

  2. How can we be sure this guy is telling the truth?

    Maybe yes, maybe no.

    Just would like more investigation before sealing the deal in the media.

    If the wife is able, I would like to hear her side of the story.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I personally know the two. I like both of them too; they were fun to have around, and I hope Margaret pulls through. However, she is a little bit hysterical, and her husband, Don has a lot more credibility. While he is in great shape for 75 years old, it's a shame she had to attack him like that.

    She can be pretty unstable, and I think it all kind of culminated that night.

  4. So you know them both? How is the wife doing, do you know?

    These days, the media often will pass judgement on a person before investigation is complete and this is my concern.

    Using a handgun to shoot and almost kill your wife (or anyone) is extreme, so I would like to hear her side of the story.
