Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Record Number Killed in 2006-2007: 289,650

As a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3 (Brooklynn was born last month and Lauren is due next week!) - I am outraged and saddened by this news:

Planned Parenthood Kills Record Number of Preborn Babies

by Devon Williams, associate editor


In Kansas, judge delays hearing on 107 criminal charges.

A record 289,650 preborn babies were killed at Planned Parenthood clinics in fiscal year 2006-07, an increase of nearly 25,000 from 2005-06. The nation's largest abortion provider, which received $336 million in taxpayer money last year, is responsible for 25 percent of all abortions in the U.S.

Jenn Giroux, president of Women Influencing the Nation, said the numbers in the 2006-07 annual report show Planned Parenthood is clearly a for-profit business.

“What jumped out at me more than ever was the amount of our tax dollars — one third of their budget — (from) taxpayers that completely disagree with killing unborn children,” she told Family News in Focus. “It is horrifying, and taxpayers aren’t going to stand for it much longer.”

In Kansas, life advocates are taking action. The Overland Park Planned Parenthood clinic is facing 107 criminal charges, filed by Johnson County, Kan., Prosecutor Phill Kline. And notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller has also been under investigation.

In Overland Park, a pro-abortion judge has postponed a hearing against Planned Parenthood. The hearing, scheduled for today, has been delayed until May 27.

Giroux called the delay frustrating.

“Every time there gets to be a point of legal scrutiny, somebody — an elected official, a judge — steps in to allow that veil of secrecy to remain around these abortion clinics,” she said. “It’s very frustrating. It is screaming for some type of judicial oversight from outside the state.”

In response to the news from Kansas, pro-family groups — including Focus on the Family — signed a letter asking Congress to suspend Planned Parenthood's funding until the allegations were resolved.

"Kansas is a good example of the ongoing and significant allegations that have been leveled against Planned Parenthood in recent months," said Dawn Vargo, associate bioethics analyst for Focus on the Family Action. "This raises serious questions about whether Planned Parenthood should be eligible for millions of dollars in taxpayer money each year."

U.S. Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., plans to offer an amendment to the Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bill in the next few months to prohibit federal funding for Planned Parenthood. He offered an identical amendment last year.

"I just think it's wrong that the largest abortion provider in America is the largest recipient of non-abortion funding under Title X," Pence told Cybercast News Service. “It's time to pass the Pence Amendment to keep taxpayer money out of the hands of Planned Parenthood."

--- end ---

Baby Jacob Neely (20th week) 4d ultrasound sucking his thumb


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