Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sheriff Press Release: March 19 - Preliminary Autopsy Results- Heather Billings

Preliminary Autopsy Results- Heather Billings

Sheriff's Department
County of Sonoma
Hall of Justice
2796 Ventura Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707)565-2511 Bill Cogbill

Press Release (source)

Preliminary Autopsy Results- Heather Billings

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 7:20, PM

On 3-19-08, an autopsy examination was conducted on Heather Kathleen Billings at the Sonoma County Coroner's Office. The preliminary cause of death was determined to be multiple gunshot wounds.

The autopsy revealed that Billings was struck by three bullets of similar caliber, consistent with the type fired from a handgun. The wounds were to Billings' upper chest. The wounds demonstrated an upper to lower, front to back, left to right trajectory. These three wounds were in close proximity of each other with consistent paths.

The wounds caused significant damage to the heart, right lung, and liver. There was evidence of disease process to the liver and pancreas, though in itself not considered life threatening.

The autopsy also showed that Billings had numerous scars on her upper arms, legs, and stomach area of varying age.

Toxicology tests have been requested, and may take several weeks. The Coroner's Office anticipates posting a press release with toxicology results when they become available.

Questions regarding the autopsy examination may be directed to Detective Sergeant Mitch Mana at (707) 565-5070. Any questions regarding the field investigation should be referred to the Santa Rosa Police Department.

Prepared by: Det. Sgt. Mitch Mana
Chief Deputy Coroner
Sonoma County Coroner's Office
Coroner’s Case # 08-0364


  1. I need help. This is my first loss of a family member to officer's of the law in Sonoma county. Where do I begin? (HEATHER BILLINGS APRIL 16TH, 2008)

  2. Legally speaking, I do not know.

    But the FIRST place I would begin is in prayer asking God for help:

    Dear heavenly Father, we come to you in the name of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, asking for healing and help regarding this painful situation. What recourse does the family have? Will you please guide and direct by Your Holy Spirit to open the right doors for them? We want Your will to be done. And Lord Jesus, please help the family to forgive and to find peace during this painful time. Forgive us of our sins... worrying, disobedience to Your Word, unbelief, fear of man, selfishness and any other sin that comes to mind. Thank You, Lord. May faith rise up to put our complete trust in Your arms, Lord God. Thank You for Your tender mercies and loving kindness. We look to You alone like a little child and say, "Yes, Lord" each step of the way. Amen.

    Genesis 18:14 says, "Is any thing too hard for the LORD?"



    PS Email or call me if you like:
