Saturday, March 1, 2008

Article from the year 2000: The Mind Altering Abilities of Chemtrails

The Mind Altering Abilities of Chemtrails

by Anonymous

Watching the debates over (and phone taps to my line here) since sending you my email of yesterday, it occurred to me that I should get this last email out to you regarding and expanding upon the reasons for CTs, as well as dealing with issues sure to be discounted by the agents of the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence, the agency in charge of the Chemtrails Ops.)

Taking each issue in turn might help shed some light upon this problem.

The overall scope and agenda behind Chemtrails (Operation Clover Leaf, Operation Red Sky, Operation Rain Dance, the code names for these ops, BTW) intertwines several overall objectives deemed imperative by the real power in DC, which is the NSA.

It should be noted that most of the intel groups that are involved in domestic control are, in varying degrees, "in the loop" on this business and are actively working with the ONI and NSA in seeing this program succeed.

Listing all the agencies would be moot and pointless. What would anyone do with the knowledge anyway? The reason I say this has to due with STO vs.

Also see Sonoma Chemtrails

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