Friday, March 14, 2008

Gambling in Sonoma County?

icanb415-#1 I sure as ell' did not vote for it. #2 Those that did believed that casinos would be limited to reservation land. They did not vote for the idea that any land purchased by tribes would be instantly "sovereign land" and up for casinos.

By ilumina123 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 08:09A
Could you possibly be looking for funding to pay off all of the fines you have incurred though other lawsuits or maybe you need more money to pay the county to forgive the fines levied against your property down south. CORRUPTION

By marilyn Friday, Mar 14, 2008 07:54A
Liquor license for River Rock! At least it's easier to avoid wine tasters on our roads during the Hours of Danger: 2-6PM. Now we'll have drunks driving around 24/7! Paul Kelley, PLEASE remember your family & friends in AV by voting NO on this!!

By icanb415 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 07:50A
Sonoma County doesn't want to get left behind by Rohnert Park. Why not take a bunch of free money? California voters are to blame when they approved Prop 1A several years ago. Don't point the finger to far. We are to blame.

By gerry2280 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 07:35A
The supes denied us the right to vote on these casinos, saying it wouldn't make any difference. Now we know why. They were busy cutting their own secret deal--you know, "2 for the county; 1 for me." Repeat ad nauseum.

By plinker500 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 07:21A
If the bribes go through this will be the end of SoCo. We are teetering on the edge as it is.

By me1 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 06:53A
When do the folks that have a say get to vote on a measure to stop the casinos?

By cacowboyusa2002 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 06:52A

By foodguy15 Friday, Mar 14, 2008 06:47A
200 million deal with Rohnert Park to fund road widening, police and school programs. They know who to Bribe. Frist the Police Union and then the Teachers Union.

By sfflorida Friday, Mar 14, 2008 06:42A
Just goes to show you how corrupt Kern and the politicians are as usual. Then we need to make a proposition that prevents all gambling in the state of California. If all else fails, then let's put a toll road and charge $10 congestion fee.

By tdunia Friday, Mar 14, 2008 06:31A
Can't get what you want the first it. No casino in Petaluma for 7 what...They will open one in 8. Anything for a liquor license. I like the two hour flights to Vegas from SR better than the Indian Casino.

By BlahBlah Friday, Mar 14, 2008 05:05A
Indian casinos are corrupted big time and is only a matter of time before they bury themselves. Vegas and Tahoe, here I come!

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