Monday, February 11, 2008

Woman Accosted in Sonoma Valley Regional Park

Hiker sexually battered in valley park

Monday, February 11, 2008 at 4:13 PM

On Monday February 11, 2008 approximately 1:49 PM a 66 year old female resident of Calistoga was hiking at the Sonoma Valley Regional Park located at 13630 Hwy 12 in the Glen Ellen area. She was using the main paved trail and had entered the park from the Arnold Dr. side walking towards Hwy 12 when she was approached by a male who tried to engage her in conversation. When she indicated that she was not interested in talking with the man, he grabbed her breast and ran off into the park.

The victim immediately left after alerting some other hikers on her way out and returned to her residence where she contacted the Sheriff’s Department.

The suspect was described as a Hispanic male adult in his 20’s, wearing no shirt and baggy black shorts. His hair was described as long in the back, but short on top and he may have had a mustache.

While this is an isolated event, we recommend that hikers take a friend or walk in groups to discourage this type of predatory behavior. We would also ask that anyone that observes or experiences any suspicious behavior contact the Sheriff’s Department or a Park Ranger as soon as they safely can by calling 911 or by calling Sheriff’s Dispatch at 707-565-2121. This action will help us in quickly responding to and locating the suspect.

Reference report SCY080211019
Prepared by
Lt. Greg J. Contos
Patrol Services

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