Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Northern California Fire Crews Head South Again

Northern California Fire Crews Head South Again
Posted: Monday, 31 December 2007 9:39AM

SONOMA, Calif. (KCBS) -- Cal Fire crews and resources from Northern California headed south Monday as Santa Ana winds again kicked up in the southland.

Resources such as bulldozers, strike teams and air tankers from the north began their move as Southern California was placed on a fire watch, according to Jim Barnes, an air tanker pilot from Cal Fire's Sonoma Air Attack Base.

"We're one component of a very large team and our primary mission is to support the ground firefighters and to protect life and property," said Barnes.

Southern California is essentially under a year round fire season, according to Cal Fire officials.

Source: http://www.kcbs.com/Northern-California-Fire-Crews-Head-South-Again/1410756

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